User Merge


  • Smartsheet
  • Enterprise


Who can use this capability?

Licensed System Administrators can use the User Merge feature

The User Merge feature allows System Administrators on both the Enterprise and Premier Plans to merge users together in order to eliminate duplicate entries and combine two user profiles into one. This is valuable for organizations who have multiple email addresses per employee.

In this topic we will review best practices for utilizing User Merge effectively, including how to navigate and access the User Merge feature, and how to properly structure and upload CSV files to merge multiple Smartsheet users together at the same time.

Admin Center: Combine accounts with User Merge


  • Smartsheet
  • Enterprise


Who can use this capability?

Licensed System Administrators can use the User Merge feature

With User Merge, you can update email addresses in bulk or merge two user accounts into one. Merging user accounts automatically transfers all sheets, reports, dashboards, workspaces, and sharing information from two accounts into one.

Are you on a Business or Pro plan? You will need to transfer items to the account you want to keep, then delete the extra account

You can use User Merge for the following scenarios:

  • Merge two user accounts in your organization belonging to the same person. One of these two accounts may have been created due to an email change or email domain change.
  • Update the primary email address of users in your organization as long as the email address is not already associated with a user outside your organization.
    If an entered email address already exists as its own Smartsheet user account, that user account must be a member of your organization.
  • Update the email domains of users in your organization. The domain update could be the result of a merger, acquisition, divestiture, branding, or consolidation exercise.

Before you begin

Before you can use User Merge, you must validate and activate all of the email domains associated with email addresses that you want to merge.

The SysAdmin running the User Merge cannot be one of the accounts being merged. Another SysAdmin will need to perform a User Merge of a SysAdmin's account.

Validate and activate all domains

User merge requires domain validation and domain activation, but the User Auto Provisioning (UAP) feature can be disabled.

If a user account already exists for an entered email address, that user account must be a member of your organization in your User List.

The user account may exist and not be listed in User Management if they were deleted from the account or shared to a sheet. To merge this user, invite them to your account. They must accept the invitation to be added to your org as an active member.

Remove premium app roles

If either of the accounts you want to merge have Premium App roles enabled, first remove these permissions before you merge the accounts. You can re-assign Premium App roles after the accounts are merged.

Download and configure the User Merge template

  1. Log in to Admin Center at using your current Smartsheet account credentials.
  2. Select More Actions > Merge Users.

    Merge Users
  3. To download the template file, select Download. 
    You'll use the template for the user merge. Merge Users Download
  4. In the downloaded template, enter the following:
    • In the Current Login Email Address, enter the email addresses of the corresponding accounts that should be merged and closed.
    • In the Replacement Login Email Address column, enter the primary email addresses of the accounts you want to keep.

      User Merge Email
  5. Save the completed file and keep the CSV format.

Make sure the email addresses in each pair belong to the same person.

You can specify up to 500 pairs of email addresses in one file. If you have to update more than 500 pairs of email addresses, you'll need to upload additional merge files.

If an entered email address already exists as its own Smartsheet user account, that user account must be a member of your organization.

After the merge, the primary email address of the keptaccount will be the value in the Replacement Login Email Address column. The value in the Current Login Email Address column will be kept as an alternate email address on the account.

Preview and apply the merge

  1. Log in to Admin Center at using your current Smartsheet account credentials.
  2. On the User Management page, select More Actions > Merge Users.
  3. Upload the updated file, then select Preview Merge.Preview Merge

    Preview Merge will validate the email addresses for possible issues such as invalid email addresses, duplicate entries, unvalidated domains, and more. Entries that aren’t Ready for Merge won’t be applied, and an actionable fix will be shown in the Recommendation column.

    Preview Merge Screen

  4. When you’re ready, select Apply Merge.

    You’ll see a confirmation message indicating the User Merge process is in progress.

    Merge Confirmation
  5. When the User Merge process is complete, the affected users will receive a confirmation email to notify them of the changes.

    You'll also get an email with a link to a report of the User Merge results. User Merge results include the following information:

    • Current Login Email Address is the email address that was merged.
    • Replacement Login Email Address is the email address that was retained.
    • Result shows if the merge was successful for a given user.
    • Metrics to display a count of roles, items owned, items shared, and group memberships for the retained account.

Summary User Merge

That's it, you’ve completed the User Merge.

Items included in a User Merge

In the User Merge process, Smartsheet follows this logic: 

  1. If a user has both licensed and non-licensed accounts, Smartsheet closes the non-licensed account. 
    • Smartsheet transfers all assets from the non-licensed account to the licensed account. 
  2. If a user has two licensed accounts, Smartsheet keeps the older account and closes the new one.

Upon completion, Smartsheet transfers the following items from the closed account into the retained account:

  • All sheets, reports, workspaces, and dashboards that are shared to or owned by the user
  • Groups owned by the user
  • Group membership
  • Roles (e.g., Licensed User, Group Admin, System Admin, Resource Viewer, etc.)
  • Alternate email addresses
  • Profile information

In the User Merge process, the system moves workspace items to the Transferred From folder.

Things to know

Smartsheet prompts a non-Smartsheet user to create an account if they received the following:

  • An invitation to edit or view a Smartsheet item
  • An alert from an automation workflow or other triggers 

To prevent losing Connector workflows and API tokens when you merge accounts, make sure:

  • The account you want to keep is licensed 
  • The account you want to be closed is unlicensed

Items not included in a User Merge

  • Automation workflows
  • Contacts
  • Connectors
  • Favorites
  • API tokens* 

*API tokens are used for integrations and premium applications such as Control Center and Calendar App. Users may need to re-authenticate these apps to use them.

Undo User Merge

If you experience issues with User Merge or need to undo the User Merge for any accounts, highlight the rows in the User Merge file that you want to undo, then contact Smartsheet Support. Please attach the User Merge file to the support request.

Smartsheet Support will reach out to you to confirm the request before proceeding with the changes.

A User Merge can only be rolled back if it was completed within the last seven days.

A rollback will not completely return a user account to its original pre-merged state. Only the items that were merged will be restored. Users may need to re-authenticate to premium applications, fix Automated Workflows, or take other action.