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Who can use this capability

  • System Admin

System Admin guide for migration to the User Subscription Model

Find the information you need to prepare for your upcoming plan migration and effectively manage your Smartsheet environment in the User Subscription Model. 

Who can use this?


  • Smartsheet


  • System Admin

Find out if this capability is included in Smartsheet Regions or Smartsheet Gov.

This article is intended to guide System Admins in migrating from the Legacy Collaborator Model to the User Subscription Model. If you're unsure about your model type, learn how to determine the model your plan is on.

System Admin best practices for migration to the User Subscription Model

To prepare for your renewal and a smooth migration, complete the tasks below.

Before renewal

90-31 days before renewal

There’s no reason to wait to identify users who don’t need paid access to Smartsheet. We recommend you start the tasks you need to do 30 days before renewal as soon as you can.

Focus on Licensed Users before migration.

Only Licensed Users will automatically convert to Members. Once you migrate to the new model, all user types (provisional Members, Members. Guests, and Viewers) are managed on the User Type and True Up page.

30 days before renewal

  1. Make sure your plan’s Licensed Users list is accurate.
    • Download and review the User Type report.
    • Focus on the User type and Permissions sections of the report to understand which users will be counted as Members, provisional Members, Guests, and Viewers. You can learn more in User type report details.

User Type mapping for migration

Legacy Collaborator Model User TypeUser Subscription Model User Type
Licensed UserMember
Unlicensed Users and Free Collaborators who are shared to at least one assetViewer, Guest, or provisional Member (based on the user’s sharing permissions)
Unlicensed Users who are not shared to any assetsProvisional Member
  1. Demote any Licensed Users who don’t need to be Members (paid users).
  2. Work with your Smartsheet account team (Customer Success Manager, Renewal Manager, Account Executive, and/or Partner) to determine the number of  Members you need to purchase for your plan. Your account team will recommend a quantity based on the number of active users with Commenter permissions or above. If you don't have a dedicated account team, contact Finance.

The day before renewal

  • Generate reports as a reference point for access and User Types ahead of migration in case you need to restore a user’s permissions.

There is no undo function after you change a user's permissions or User Type, so the reports will help if you need to restore a user's permissions. 

Day of renewal

Sit back, relax, and we’ll migrate your plan. There will be no impact on productivity during this time.

After renewal

First week after renewal

  • Check out the User types and true-up page within the Admin Center.

First 90 days

When users share sheets, reports, workspaces, and dashboards with colleagues, those colleagues automatically receive temporary Member status if they aren’t already Members on the plan. During scheduled reconciliation periods, you have an opportunity to review provisional Members and decide whether they become Members or have more restricted access.

You can review and manage users individually or in bulk. Learn more about managing users.

The first reconciliation period after renewal will include provisional Members who have had access for over 30 days and users who were migrated to provisional Members during renewal.

Develop a general policy and schedule time to implement it during the reconciliation period.

For example, you can demote users who haven’t been active on Smartsheet in the last 6 months. Then, pick one day during the reconciliation period to manage any users that fit that criteria. 

Manage users in bulk

Any time you have a clearly defined set of users you want to take the same action on, you’ll save time with bulk actions.

  1. Log into your Smartsheet account and go to the Admin Center.
  2. In the Admin Center, navigate to the User types and true-up page and select the True-up tab. This page is specifically designed for managing true-ups and only shows Members and provisional Members. Note: We freeze the user list on the True-up tab during the reconciliation period, so you don't need to worry about users being added to the list after you’ve made changes. 
Brandfolder Image
Manage true-up page during reconciliation period showing the User type dropdown options: Member, Guest, Viewer, No access
  1. Use filters to show only one set of users. For the six-month inactive example, use the Last Active filter at the top of the user list to see only those who were active more than six months ago. 
Brandfolder Image
Last active filter expanded with 3 months or less, more than 3 months, more than 6 months, more than 1 year
  1. Select the checkbox next to Name to select all of the users. 
  2. Select Change user type, and then select Viewer.  
Brandfolder Image
Change user type dropdown - available after you select the check box next to the users you want to bulk change
  1. Select the Change to Viewers button to confirm that you want to change all selected users to Viewers. 
  2. Once confirmed, the User Type for all selected Members will change to Viewer. Additionally, all of the permissions on items they are shared will be changed to Viewer, and they will disappear from the user list. Note: You can only change the User Type in bulk for users visible on the page. You may need to repeat these steps multiple times for each filtered list of users. 

Best practices for demoting users

When you change a User Type to a lower level, it affects the user’s access to Smartsheet items and capabilities within the items. You can’t undo the change.

Automatic actions

ActionExampleReverse actions
User’s permissions update 
The user’s permissions on all items will be updated to comply with their new User Type.
If you change a user from a Member to a Viewer, the permission on all of the items they are shared to will be changed to Viewer. 
  • There is no way to undo this action. 
  • The user has to request and be granted new permissions for every item.
User is removed from Groups with higher permissions 
The user will be removed from any group with permissions higher than the new User Type allows.
  • A user is part of a group with Admin permissions to access a sheet.
  • Their User Type changes from Member to Viewer. 
  • As a Viewer, the user can no longer be an Admin on a sheet, so they will be removed from the Group.
  • There is no way to undo this action. 
  • You need to manually add the user back to each group.
User is no longer Admin on items, and some items left with no Admin
Items without Admins should continue to work. If an item has no Admin, then a Plan Asset Admin receives access requests.
  • A user created an item (sheet, dashboard, report, etc.) and was the only Admin. 
  • The user’s User Type changed to Viewer. 
  • The user’s permissions to the item changed to Viewer, and the item no longer has an Admin.
  • There is no way to undo this action.
  • A Plan Asset Admin can designate a new Admin or reinstate the user as Admin.

Note: It’s a best practice to always have more than one Admin on an item to avoid this and other scenarios (for example, an employee leaves the organization). 

User no longer has Plan Asset Admin or Group Admin roles
These two roles are reserved for Members, so a user with any other User Type will no longer have these roles.
If you change a user from Member to Viewer, then these roles will be revoked from the user.
  • There is no way to undo this action.
  • You need to reassign the roles in the User roles and reports page in the Admin Center.

For all User Type changes (bulk or individual), we’ll always prompt you about these potential changes. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How is my role changing in the User Subscription Model?

In the User Subscription model, a user's user type is determined by the sharing permissions they have on Smartsheet items. As a System Admin, you can see and change those User Types to keep your Smartsheet costs within your planned margins.

You can manage users’ access at any time, but you do have a responsibility to review provisional Members—generated based on permissions granted during sharing—during each regularly scheduled reconciliation period. After each reconciliation period, you’ll be billed for any provisional Members in excess of your plan’s assigned Member count. The billing for these provisional Members converting to fully paid Members will be prorated based on the time remaining in the current subscription term. Learn more about provisional Members and reconciliation periods in the Manage users in the User Subscription Model article.

When will my plan convert to the User Subscription Model?

Plans billed annually convert to the User Subscription Model at renewal. Plans billed monthly convert to the User Subscription Model starting on February 1, 2025. You’ll be notified at least 45 days before your plan’s conversion.

System Admins and/or billing contacts will receive an email including the date of the conversion and the amount you’ll be expected to pay on the new model (given the state of the plan at the time the email is sent).

Where can I learn more about this model and what it means for me?

If you have an assigned Customer Success Manager, Account Executive, or Partner, please reach out to them. Otherwise, you can find more information in the Smartsheet User Subscription Model documentation

My company has internal approval processes. How can I manage both my internal processes and the User Subscription Model true-up?

Some companies have internal processes for determining who should have access to Smartsheet and which departments should be charged for Smartsheet.

If you need your internal users to follow internal processes to gain access to Smartsheet, we suggest taking the following steps:

  1. Ensure you have activated User Auto Provisioning (UAP) and/or Active Directory (AD) on your plan. For User Subscription Model plans, activating one of these features is critical to ensuring all the internal users for your plan see the Welcome Screen.
  2. Create the content you want your users to see when they first access Smartsheet. We recommend a Smartsheet dashboard that explains to users the terms of using Smartsheet and any links to forms they may need to fill out to request Smartsheet via the other internal processes.
  3. Set up a Customer Welcome Screen with details on the steps users need to take to access Smartsheet. Follow the instructions to create a custom welcome screen.
  4. Once the Customer Welcome Screen is set up, users logging in to Smartsheet for the first time are prompted to submit any additional requests required to keep access to Smartsheet.  
  5. During the next reconciliation period, simply compare the list of users on the User type and true-up page with the list of users submitted and approved in your internal process flow. Take no action on the approved users on the list from your process. Demote the users that were rejected or didn’t submit a request per your direction. Depending on your organization's preference, you can change them to Viewer or No Access.

I understand you recommend focusing on the Member count before the transition, but I want to manage provisional Members, too. How can I do that?

We recommend only focusing on Members prior to transitioning because the User types and true-up screen (available after transition) make user management much easier.

If it’s important for you to reduce the number of provisional Members at transition, you’ll need to work with item Admins to remove permission levels for the users you identify. There are five steps you need to follow.

Step 1: Identify the users whose permissions you want to limit.

  1. Log into Smartsheet and navigate to the Admin Center.
  2. On Admin Center Home, review the User’s card. You’ll see counts for user types that will be converted as follows:
    1. Licensed Users will be converted to Members
    2. Unlicensed Admins and Editors will be converted to provisional Members
    3. Guests will be Guests
    4. Viewers will be Viewers
  3. If you want more details for each of these user types, you can download the User Type report, which includes information on which users belong to each group and usage data.
  4. You can use the information on the report to begin targeting users for whom you may want to adjust permissions and work with item Admins to adjust them. To do this:
    1. Download the User Type report and open it in Smartsheet, Excel, or Google Sheets
    2. On the report, filter on Licensed Users.
    3. Then filter on the following usage columns:
      1. Number of asset comments (Last 180 days) = 0
      2. Number of asset edits (Last 180 days) = 0
      3. Number of created assets (Last 180 days) = 0.
    4. This gives you the list of users who have not commented upon, edited, or created items in the last 180 days. These users are candidates for having their Smartsheet permissions reduced.

Step 2: Use the Sheet Access Report to identify all the items those users are shared to at a level that will make them provisional Members.

Step 3: Notify the Admin owners for each item and request they remove or limit the users’ permission level.

Step 4: Check groups to ensure the user isn’t part of a group with higher-level permissions. If they are, then remove them from the group.

Step 5: Repeat step 2 to confirm that all permissions were removed.

My plan has already transitioned to the User Subscription Model. I have a lot of users to manage every true-up period and don't want to do it in the Admin Center. Is there another way?

Our recommendation is to actively manage your Smartsheet environment and your users. However, if you are committed to developing an automated, programmatic way of managing your Smartsheet environment, then our guidance is to explore using the Deactivate User API to build a programmatic means of removing a large number of users.

Deactivation is not the same as downgrading/demoting.

Demoting a user simply adjusts their level of access to items within Smartsheet. Deactivating a user will prevent the user from logging into their Smartsheet account. You won’t be charged for deactivated users, and it will prevent your account from incurring any additional charges at true-up.

A few things to note about this approach.

  1. Only internal users can be deactivated. However, given that the majority of paid Members will be internal, this shouldn’t be an obstacle. External users, users who aren’t on any domain associated with your plan, need to have Admin permissions to become provisional Members. This isn’t common or a good security practice.
  2. If you want a user to be a Viewer, you’ll need to use the User types and true-up page to mark specific users as Viewers.
  3. There is no way to undo this action.

I pay with bill-to in-app (BTIA). When do I have to change to credit card payments?

You need to change the payment method for your plan before the transition to the User Subscription Model. You’ll see a prompt to update your payment details. Please add a credit card as soon as possible to avoid any breaks in service.