Share your Dynamic View

Use the sharing tab to set up who can see and edit the view.

Who can use this?


  • Smartsheet
  • Business
  • Enterprise
  • Smartsheet Advance Package
  • Smartsheet Gov

The sharing tab controls who can see the view. If no one is shared, then only the view owner can see the data and edit information.

System Admins can see how many active and shared views exist for their organization on their plan insights page.

Safe Sharing

Dynamic View adheres to the Smartsheet Safe Sharing policy, which allows you to share assets and views only with approved users or domains. Safe Sharing is set up in the Admin Center by the account System Admin.

If Safe Sharing is not enabled, you can add any user or domain.

Safe Sharing is not supported in Smartsheet Gov.


The owner is the person who first created the Dynamic View. This is not tied to the sheet owner. An owner or a System Admin can transfer the view to another sheet Admin or Owner.


Add other users as admins if you want them to help you co-manage the view. Admins can adjust the view settings as needed. To add someone as an Admin, they must:

Shared users

Users added here can see this view in the All Views panel in Dynamic View. They also have access to the view.

Access to view does not imply they have rows available to view. The data delivered to the users is based on both who they are and how the rest of the view is set up.

Shared groups

Sharing to Smartsheet Groups is available to owners. Only owner’s organization groups are available. Admins outside the owner’s organization have no access to this control.

Groups cannot be set as Admins.

Shared domains

You can also share the view with an entire organization via email domains. When adding email domains do not include the @, for example:

Certain domains, such as ISP domains, are blocked. This includes:,, and