Transfer or receive transfer of a Dynamic View

A view owner can transfer ownership to a user who’s an Admin on the source sheet of the view.

Who can use this?


  • Business
  • Enterprise
  • Smartsheet Advance Package
  • Smartsheet Gov


  • System Admin
  • Owner
  • Admin

Find out if this capability is included in Smartsheet Regions or Smartsheet Gov.

If a view owner leaves your organization, a System Admin can facilitate transferring ownership of a view to a different user.

Transfer the view first, then transfer any underlying sheets so the new view owner has full access to all assets.

  1. In the upper-right area of the view, select the Settings icon.
  2. Go to the Sharing tab. 
  3. In the Owner section, select Transfer Ownership.
  4. In the Select New Owner list, select the person you want to transfer ownership to.

If this dropdown list is blank, there aren’t any people shared to the view that meet the requirements to become an owner. Users need to have Admin or above permissions on the view source sheet.

When you're done, the user you selected gets a request in Dynamic View to take ownership of the view you own. The user only receives in-app notifications, not email notifications. You may want to contact your new owner through email (or some other messaging service) to ensure they know to log in to Dynamic View and accept the transfer request.

Review pending transfer requests

If you send transfer ownership requests, you can review, cancel, accept, or decline them on the Pending Ownership Transfer Requests page.

To open the Pending Ownership Transfer Requests page, select the Ownership Transfer Requests icon in the upper-right corner, next to your account icon.

  1. Select the Received tab to review, accept, or decline transfer requests.
  2. Select the Sent tab to review or cancel transfer requests you’ve sent to others.

Transfer ownership of a view with a private filter

When you attempt to transfer ownership of a view based on a private filter, you may see a dialog with this message: This view has a pending ownership transfer. You have chosen to restrict this view with a private filter, which is invalid for others. If you save these view settings and the ownership transfer is accepted, the new owner will need to update the view configuration.

Views based on a filtered sheet may not correctly display if the filter is deleted or private.

To reset the view

  1. Go to Settings > General.
  2. Update the Restrict view by sheet filter option to a valid filter from the list.
    Or select No filter - all rows visible to everyone shared.
  3. Select Save.

You can edit and utilize existing views with a private filter, but creating views with a private filter is no longer supported.

Transfer ownership for a removed user

A System Administrator can access views that no longer have an owner and individually transfer them to a new owner in the System Admins Control page. Here, System Administrators can initiate the transfer from one owner to another.

The new owner must have at least Admin permissions on the underlying sheet.