Applies to


Identify your Smartsheet plan and user type

Knowing your plan and user type can help you understand what you can do in Smartsheet. 


  • Smartsheet

See the information below that matches your plan’s model. 

Not sure which model your plan uses? Ask a System Admin if there’s a Manage true-up page in Admin Center. If there is, your plan uses the User Subscription Model. See the User Subscription Model overview article for more information.

Identify your Smartsheet plan and user type: User Subscription Model

What you can do in Smartsheet depends on:

  • Your plan and user type 
  • Whether or not you have paid access to Smartsheet
  • Your permissions on the items you’re working with

Get information about your plan

  1. In the lower-left corner, select Account > Personal Settings
  2. In the Personal Settings dialog, check the Plan column.

There are multiple plan types; learn more in Account-Level User Types. For complete details about Smartsheet plan types and offerings, refer to the Smartsheet Pricing page.

Things to know about Free plans

If your plan type is listed as Free, you don’t have paid access to Smartsheet.

The value in the Sheets Owned section will always be 0 for a Free plan type, because you must be a member to create or own sheets.

You might have a Free plan if: 

Things to know about Trial plans

If you’re using a trial of Smartsheet: 

  • Your plan type will be listed as Trial 
  • You’ll have all of the options available to a Member for the entire trial

Paid access and System Admins

Every account must have at least one System Admin but the System Admin doesn’t need to be a Member. If possible, your account should have at least two System Admins.

Verify who has paid access to your plan

  1. In the lower-left area of the Navigation Bar, select Account User Management.
  2. On the Users tile, select Download user type report.   

Manage users during true-up

Follow the steps in the Manage users - User Subscription Model article.

Determine if you're a System Admin

If you’re a System Admin on your account, when you select Plan & Billing Info (or access the Account Administration link), you have additional capabilities, including access to: 

  • Admin Center page 
  • User Management page 
  • License Request Management 
  • Login History 
  • Account Settings

Identify your Smartsheet plan and user type: Legacy Collaborator Model

What you can do in Smartsheet depends on:

  • Your plan and user type
  • Whether or not you have a Smartsheet license
  • Your permissions on the items you’re working with

Get information about your plan

  1. In the lower-left corner, select Account > Plan Info
  2. In the Account Administration dialog, check the Plan section.

There are multiple plan types; learn more in Account-Level User Types. For complete details about Smartsheet plan types and offerings, refer to the Smartsheet Pricing page.

Your System Admin contact is listed in the Main Contact section.

Things to know about Free plans

If your plan type is listed as Free, you don’t have a Smartsheet license.

The value in the Sheets Owned section will always be 0 for a Free plan type, because you must have a license to create or own sheets.

You might have a Free plan if:

  • Someone shared a sheet or other Smartsheet item to you and you’re not licensed on any other Smartsheet plan
  • A System Admin invited you to join a Business or Enterprise plan but didn’t grant you a license to the plan
  • You switched from a paid plan to a Free plan
  • You started a free 30-day trial, and that trial expired

Things to know about Trial plans

If you’re using a trial of Smartsheet:

  • Your plan type will be listed as Trial
  • You’ll see the Upgrade Options button at the top of the Account Administration dialog
  • You’ll have all of the options available to a licensed user for the entire trial

Licenses and System Admins

Every account must have at least one System Admin but the System Admin can be unlicensed. If possible, your account should have at least two System Admins.

Verify who has a license on your plan

  1. In the lower-left area of the Navigation Bar, select Account > User Management.
  2. Select Manage Licensed Users on the Licensed Users tile.  

Determine if you're a System Admin

If you’re a System Admin on your account, when you select Plan & Billing Info (or access the Account Administration link), you have additional capabilities including access to:

  • Admin Center page
  • User Management page
  • License Request Management
  • Login History
  • Account Settings
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