Update Cell Actions

Keep your sheet up to date and your processes moving forward with less effort by using four automated actions to directly update cell values:

  • Record a date records the current date in a Date column cell.
  • Assign people adds one or more contacts to a Contact List column cell.
  • Change cell updates a cell value in a Dropdown List column, Checkbox column, or Text/Number column.
  • Clear cell deletes existing data in a cell.

The record a date action automatically records the current date in a Date column of your choice. Capturing accurate dates in your sheet will help your team to track performance, kick off additional steps in a process, create an audit trail, and more.

Learn more about using the record a date action in your workflows.

The assign people action automatically adds one or more people to a Contact List column of your choice. Immediately assign ownership of new and updated rows in your sheet (without needing to constantly monitor it for changes) so task owners can start working with fewer delays.

Learn more about using the assign people action in your workflows.

The change cell action automatically updates the value in a Dropdown List, Checkbox, or Text/Number column of your choice. Keep your status columns up to date, set default values for newly added rows, reset triggers to repeat other workflows, and more.

Learn more about using the change cell action in your workflows.

The clear cell action automatically deletes the contents of a cell. Reset the cells in a row to null values when a task is canceled or you want to rerun a process.

Learn more about using the clear cell action in your workflows.