How to cancel a Smartsheet account

How you cancel your Smartsheet account depends on your plan type and how you pay for that account.

Who can use this?


  • Smartsheet
  • Pro
  • Business
  • Enterprise

When you cancel your account

  • Your Smartsheet items will become read-only files and be deleted after 30 days
  • You’ll still have access to Smartsheet files that have been shared with you
  • You won't be able to create new Smartsheet files

If you cancel a plan type that is no longer available for purchase from Smartsheet—a Team or Advanced plan, for example—you can't re-purchase that plan type later.

Canceled accounts don’t qualify for pro-rated refunds. The Smartsheet User Agreement provides more details about cancelation terms.

Before you cancel

If you want to retain access to your sheets or the sheet data, you can:

How you cancel a plan depends on the plan type you have. Consider the following:

  • To cancel an Enterprise plan, contact your sales representative directly or the Smartsheet Account and Billing team.
  • To cancel a Pro plan, you must be the owner of the account. 
  • To cancel a Business plan (or Legacy Team plan), you must be the plan System Admin.

Cancel your account

From the mobile app

To cancel your plan from the mobile app, you must be the administrator of a trial or on a free account.

  1. Access Settings by clicking your profile picture in the upper left corner of the home screen.
  2. Select Cancel Account.
  3. Select Cancel Account again to confirm you want to cancel your account.

Once confirmed, you’re redirected to the login screen.

When paying through an invoice

If you purchased your invoice plan through the Smartsheet app, cancel directly through the application.
If you purchased your plan through Smartsheet’s Sales team, and you’re making payments to Smartsheet through an invoice, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Invoice Account: Request to Cancel Plan button.

Invoice Account: Request to Cancel Plan

2. Fill out the form.

  • In the Please select the type of downgrade list, choose any of these options:
    • Downgrade to a different plan type
    • Remove licenses
    • Discontinue an add-on or other product
    • Cancel subscription

If you have other billing concerns, visit the Customer Support Center.

Cancel a paid or trial account

You can cancel your paid subscription only at the end of your plan term. When you cancel, you’ll still have access to sheets currently shared with you and any sheets shared with you in the future.

Trial plans and accounts automatically expire if you don’t buy a subscription.

To cancel a paid or trial account
  1. On the left Navigation Bar, select Account > Plan & Billing Info.
  2. In the Plan & Billing Info tab, select Cancel Account.
  3. In the dialog that appears, choose Cancel my plan.
  4. In the Cancel Account dialog, choose either of these options:
    • Cancel account at the end of my current subscription (billing cycle): Your sheets will become read-only for 30 days when your subscription expires. After 30 days, the system will delete those files. 
    • Cancel your account immediately: Your sheets will become read-only immediately. 
  5. To save the account change, select Confirm cancellation
  6. In the dialog that appears, fill out the survey. 
  7. Select Submit.
To cancel your Legacy Plan
  1. Sign in to your paid account through
  2. On the left Navigation Bar, select Account > Account Admin > Plan & Billing Info.
  3. In the Plan & Billing Info tab, select Cancel Account.
  4. Choose either of these options:
    • Cancel Account: To cancel your account on the next renewal date 
    • Delete Account: To close your account immediately
  5. Confirm the changes you’ve made. 
To cancel your Business Plan or Pro Plan
  1. Sign in to your account through
  2. On the left Navigation Bar, select Account > Plan & Billing Info.
  3. In the Plan & Billing Info tab, select Cancel Account.
  4. In the dialog that appears, select either of these options:
    • Cancel My Account: Work becomes read-only and deleted 30 days later.
  5. Then confirm the final action you’d like to take: 
    • Cancel at the end of the subscription.
    • Cancel account immediately

A confirmation page indicates that you’ve successfully canceled your plan and specifies the date when it will be canceled. On that date, the system will completely close your account.

Deactivate your account

You cannot deactivate your account if you have a Business plan or Pro plan. This option is available to you only when you set your account for cancelation during the renewal process.

  1. On the left Navigation Bar, select Account > Plan & Billing Info.
  2. To open the Cancel Account dialog, select Cancel Account
  3. To confirm the cancelation, select Deactivate Account, and then press OK.

If you reset your login or re-subscribe before the sheets are removed, you can recover sheets from Deleted Items. Read the Delete a Sheet help article to learn how to recover deleted items.