Transfer ownership of a WorkApp

You may build WorkApps for your different collaborators, but if you’re not the final owner responsible for maintaining those WorkApps, it makes sense to transfer the WorkApp to a different owner.

Who can use this?


  • Smartsheet
  • Enterprise
  • Smartsheet Advance Package

Transfer a WorkApp

  1. Go to the WorkApps home page (
  2. On the Owned by me tab, open the WorkApp you want to transfer.
  3. At the top right of the screen, select App Settings.
  4. Under New Owner, select the new owner’s email address. 
  5. If prompted, grant the new owner Admin access to any sheets, dashboards, or reports they need to own and maintain for this WorkApp. 
  6. Select Send Transfer Request. The new owner receives a notification via email. They have 14 days to accept or decline the request. You get via email when the new owner accepts or rejects the request.

Pending requests

You might want to change the recipient of a transfer request or cancel the transfer entirely.

To stop a transfer request:

  • Go to App settings > Transfer ownership settings  > Stop transfer

Add items to your WorkApp while a transfer is pending

Adding items to the WorkApp (sheets, dashboards, or reports) while a request is pending automatically cancels the transfer request. File a new transfer request when you finish making your changes.

Accept ownership of a transferred WorkApp

When someone transfers a WorkApp to you, you receive an email with instructions on how to accept or decline the transfer. If you take no action for 14 days, the request expires.

To complete the transfer 

Open the notification email and do one of the following:

  • Accept the transfer request. The original owner receives notification that you accepted the transfer. They also get an email with a link to the WorkApp.
  • Decline the transfer request. The original owner receives notification that you declined the request. 

After you accept the request, you may need to update role permissions inside the app for the original WorkApp owner.

WorkApp transfer notes

  • You can transfer an app that’s in draft or live. 
  • Adding items to the WorkApp (sheets, dashboards, or reports) while a request is pending automatically cancels the transfer request.
  • You can transfer or accept a transfer from desktop/tablet. There's no transfer function in the mobile app. 
  • End users don't receive a notification when the WorkApp owner changes.
  • When you take ownership of the app, ensure all pages (reports, dashboards, and web content) appear as you expect for your end users. Your permissions may be different than those of the previous owner, so your view may be different, too.

Request ownership transfer

If you can’t manually transfer a WorkApp, it might be because the person who owns it has left the company, and their credentials are no longer valid. You need to contact Smartsheet support to make the transfer.

Before you make the request

To expedite the WorkApp transfer process, make sure the desired new owner has Owner or Admin permissions to all of the Smartsheet items (sheets, reports, and dashboards) included as pages in the WorkApp.

To request an ownership transfer

  1. Visit the Smartsheet Support contact page and go to Get Help with product or technical issues to log in to the Support Portal.
  2. Select Open a new support case.

    To ensure timely processing of your request, include the following information in the Description of the request:

    • Email address of the current owner (must be the email address used to log in to Smartsheet)
    • Email address of the new owner (must be the email address used to log in to Smartsheet). The new owner must be part of an Enterprise plan.
    • The URLs of the WorkApps you would like to transfer. (Or indicate if you want all WorkApps owned by the current owner transferred to the new owner)
  3. Under Topic, select Sheet General Questions.
  4. Under Feature, select Sheet Ownership.
  5. Fill out the other required fields and select Create case.

A Support specialist will respond to your request and help complete the ownership transfer.