Viewers and Guests


Smartsheet allows users to simply and securely share with anyone, ensuring that both internal and external stakeholders have access to the right information at the right time.

There are three user types in Smartsheet: Members, Guests, and Viewers

Members are paid users who can create new items in Smartsheet including sheets, reports, and dashboards, and share them with others.

There is no difference in the user experience between Members or provisional Members in Smartsheet.

Viewers and Guests have unpaid access to Smartsheet. They can access items shared with them, with Guests having the additional ability to edit these items. However, both Viewers and Guests can’t create their own items. Only external users to your plan, users whose email address doesn’t match any domain associated with your plan, can be designated as Guests.

This learning track reviews how to get started as a Viewer or Guest shared to work in Smartsheet, and how to effectively collaborate on the items you are shared to.