FAQ: Using Smartsheet for Resource Management authentication

Here are some answers to common questions around setting up, maintaining, or signing in to Resource Management with Smartsheet Authentication. Learn more about Smartsheet Authentication for Resource Management.

Who can use this?


  • Resource Management


  • System Admin
  • Admin

Find out if this capability is included in Smartsheet Regions or Smartsheet Gov.

You must be an Admin on Resource Management and a SysAdmin on Smartsheet to configure authentication options.

Why use Smartsheet Authentication?

Smartsheet Authentication allows users to sign in to Resource Management using their Smartsheet credentials. There’s no need to maintain separate logins for Resource Management. Smartsheet provides several authentication options your organization can leverage. Learn more about setting and managing authentication options from Smartsheet.

Why can’t I enable Smartsheet Authentication for my organization?

If you can't enable Smartsheet authentication, your Resource Management account isn’t linked with your organization’s Smartsheet account. You must link the accounts first.

To fix this, see how to authorize Smartsheet and Resource Management accounts. Once the integration is complete, the Smartsheet authentication option will be available.

You must be a SysAdmin in Smartsheet and a Resource Management Resourcing Admin to authorize the account connection.

Why can’t I disconnect Smartsheet Integration under Account Settings?

To disconnect Smartsheet Integration, an account admin must change the authentication setting from Smartsheet authentication to email password or SSO. This ensures users maintain access to their Resource Management account. Change the authentication type, then disconnect the integration.

When you disconnect the Smartsheet integration, all sheets connected to Resource Management via the panel will be disconnected from Resource Management projects.

Contractors in Resource Management have an RM login, but they are not users in Smartsheet. Will they be able to access Resource Management after Sign in with Smartsheet has been enabled?

You must first invite contractors to your Smartsheet org as unlicensed users. They can then use their Smartsheet login credentials to sign into Resource Management.

All Resource Management licensed users need to be part of your Smartsheet org to sign into Resource Management with Smartsheet Authentication. Licensed or unlicensed free users can use Smartsheet authentication, free collaborators cannot.

Will existing users be notified when a Resourcing Admin switches to Smartsheet Authentication from Email / Password or SSO authentication?

Users will not receive any notification. Let your Resource Management licensed users know about the change before switching to Smartsheet Authentication.

I configured SSO in Resource Management and SSO in Smartsheet. Why should my organization switch to Smartsheet Authentication?

With this setup, you must maintain and update SSO on both platforms. When you switch Smartsheet Authentication, you will no longer be required to maintain two separate SSO authentications. If there is an update to your SSO settings, you only make that update in Smartsheet. This reduces the maintenance overhead for Resource Management and Smartsheet Admins.

Before I turn on Smartsheet Authentication for the entire organization, can I try it out with a small subset of users?

No, this is not possible. When you enable the feature, it applies to your entire organization.

Can I switch back to Email / Password or SSO authentication?

No. After you enable Smartsheet Authentication, you must contact support if your organization wants to switch back to Email and Password or SSO authentication.

Does Sign in with Smartsheet support Active Directory integration?

No, Sign in with Smartsheet only supports logging into Resource Management using Smartsheet credentials. Managing Resource Management users via Smartsheet Azure Active Directory is not supported.

If I don’t have a Smartsheet account, can I enable Smartsheet Authentication for my organization?

No, this is not possible. You will have to start a trial with Smartsheet or purchase a Business or Enterprise plan.

My org uses sign in with Smartsheet Authentication. Why can’t I sign in?

You might not be a user on the Smartsheet account connected/configured with your Resource Management account. Contact your Smartsheet SysAdmin to add you as a Licensed or Unlicensed user in the Smartsheet organization.

I want to reset my password, but I get redirected to the Smartsheet login page?

If you are redirected to the Smartsheet login page, your organization has enabled Smartsheet Authentication. If you don’t remember your Smartsheet password, select Forgot your password and follow the instructions on your screen.

Is my Resource Management user profile managed via Smartsheet?

When your account uses Smartsheet Authentication, basic identity fields such as profile picture, name, email, and office/cell phone numbers are managed in Smartsheet and locked in Resource Management. Any updates you make to contact information in Smartsheet automatically reflect in Resource Management.

Specific information such as role, discipline, and bill rate are managed in Resource Management.

If you don’t have a profile image in Smartsheet but do in Resource Management, the Resource Management image will continue to be used in Resource Management.

Your image visibility settings in Smartsheet are honored in Resource Management. In Smartsheet, select your profile image or the avatar icon, then select Personal settings. Next to Visibility, select Customize. Now you can set your visibility settings settings.

I am getting errors when I try to log into Resource Management via Sign in with Smartsheet.


We weren't able to sign you into Resource Management using Smartsheet Authentication. Click here to return to the sign-in page. If this issue persists, please contact your administrator for assistance.

Possible solution:

Your org might not use Smartsheet Authentication. Contact your Resourcing Admin to confirm if Smartsheet Authentication is active in your organization.


Sorry, there are multiple user accounts in this organization associated with this email address. Please contact your System Admin to ensure there are no duplicate emails across user accounts.

Possible solution:

The user may have multiple accounts within the same organization.

Follow these steps to remove duplicate accounts; you must be a Resourcing Admin on Resource Management to complete this task.

  1. Open Account Settings.
    1. If you are working in Resource Management in Smartsheet, select the kebab menu in the top right corner, then select Account Settings.
    2. If you are working in standalone Resource Management, select SettingsAccount Settings.
  2. Select People from the left menu.
  3. Search for the account holder's name in the search bar. If they have multiple licenses with different permissions, multiple names will appear in the list
  4. Select the profile you want to archive.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the profile page and select Archive > Save.

Repeat this process until the user has only one account, then the user will be able to log in.

Here are the unsupported actions on Resource Management.