See the Triggers available when you integrate Resource Management and Bridge.
The following triggers are available with the integration and can be used in workflows to connect Resource Management with other systems to automate processes:
- When Projects Are Created
- When Projects Are Updated
- When Time Entries Are Created
- When Time Entries Are Updated
- When Users Are Created
- When Users Are Updated
- When Assignments Are Created
- When Assignments Are Updated
- When Assignments Are Deleted
For more information, check out the Resource Management webhook documentation.
Data from triggers and modules appear in the workflow run logs. In the Run Log, you can find:
- The data that was triggered
The references to the data, which you can copy from the Run Log and use in subsequent workflow steps
The data you see in the Run Log depends on your access level in your Resource Management account. If your access level is lower than Admin, specific fields are null.
At the top of the Run Log output, the can_I object lists the properties you have access to. This is reflected in the following objects with null for the objects that have restricted access.
Trigger data available for projects
- Type: The event that took place (project.created or project.updated)
- Archived: Shows True or False to indicate if the project is archived or not
- Archived At: Shows null or a timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—for when the project was archived
- Client: The name of the client attached to the project
- Created At: A timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—for when the project was created
- Deleted At: Shows null or a timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—for when the project was deleted
- Description: Description of the project
- Ends At: The project’s end date
- GUID: A unique ID generated for the project
- ID: Project ID
- Name: Project’s name
- Parent ID: If the created project is a phase of another project, the parent project's ID appears in this field
- Phase Name: If the created project is a phase of another project, the name given to the phase appears in this field
- Project Code: Shows null or the specified project code
- Project State: The project's state (type) at the time of creation or update
- Secure URL: Secure URL for the project thumbnail
- Secure URL Expiration: Expiration time for the secure URL
- Settings: A binary number indicating:
- 1000 indicates the budget is tracked in days, isn't for a phase, and isn't using parent project bill rates. It also indicates the duration isn’t locked and is presented as the value 8.
- 0110 indicates the budget is tracked in $, is a phase, and uses parent project bill rates. It also indicates the duration isn't locked, and is presented as the value 6, etc.
- Starts At: The project's start date
- Thumbnail: URL where the project image is stored
- Time Entry Lockout: The selected setting for locking time entries
- -1 stands for Do not lock time entries for this project
- 0 stands for Lock all time entries for this project; or if Lock time entries for this project that are older than X calendar days is chosen, the value that appears is the number of days set in Resource Management
- Type: Object type—for project events, this value is Project
- Updated At: A timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—for when the project was updated. When the project is created, this timestamp will be the same as Created At.
- Use Parent Bill Rates: Shows True or False
Trigger data for time entries
- Type: The event that took place (time.entry.created or time.entry.updated)
- Assignable ID: The ID of the assignable the time was tracked against
- Assignable Type: The type of assignable the time was tracked against (for example, Project or Vacation)
- Bill Rate: Shows null or the bill rate of the time entered
- Bill Rate ID: The ID of the bill rate associated with the time entered
- Created At: A timestamp —in ISO 8601 format— for when the time entry was created
- Date: The date the time was entered against
- Hours: The number of hours entered
- ID: The ID of the time entry
- Is Suggestion: Shows True or False to indicate if the time entered is a suggestion or not
- Notes: Any notes entered with the time entry
- Scheduled Hours: The number of hours that are scheduled
- Task: The task attached to the time entry
- Updated At: A timestamp —in ISO 8601 format— for when the time entry was updated. When the time entry is created, this timestamp will be the same as Created At.
- User ID: The ID of the user for whom the time entry is
Trigger data available for users
- Type: The event that took place (user.created or user.updated)
- Account Owner: Shows true or false to indicate if the user is the account owner or not
- Archived: Shows true or false to indicate if the user is archived or not
- Archived At: Null or timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—for when the user was archived
- Billability Target: The user's billability target
- Billable: Shows true or false to indicate if the user is billable or not
- Bill rate: The specified bill rate of the user
- Created At: A timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—for when the user was created
- Deleted: Shows true or false to indicate if the user was deleted
- Deleted At: Shows null or a timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—for when the user was deleted
- Discipline: The specified discipline the user works in
- Display Name: The user's display name
- Email: The user's email address
- Employee Number: The user's employee number, if specified
- First Name: The user's first name
- GUID: A unique ID generated for the user
- Has Login: Shows True or False to indicate if the user has login access or not
- Hire Date: The user's hire date
- ID: The user's ID
- Invitation Pending: Shows true or false
- True: If the invite was sent
- False: If the invite was sent but is still pending or if it wasn't sent at all
- Last Name: The user's last name
- License Type: The type of plan the user has
- Location: The user's location, if specified
- Location ID: The ID of the user’s location
- Login Type: Indicates how the user can access Resource Management
- SAML: The user signs in with their corporate credentials
- Default: The user logs in with their own email and password
- Mobile Phone: The user's mobile number, if specified
- Office Phone: The user's office phone number, if specified
- Role: The user's role, if specified
- Termination Date: The user's termination date, if specified
- Thumbnail: The thumbnail URL of the user's profile picture
- Type: Object type (user)
- Updated At: A timestamp —in ISO 8601 format— for when the user was updated. When a new user is created, this timestamp will be the same as Created At.
- User Settings: A numeric value to indicate user settings related to the user’s account type
- User Type ID: The ID of the user’s assigned user type
Trigger data available for assignments
Fixed Hours, Hours Per Day, and Percent objects won't be listed in the Run Log if another allocation mode was used. There's also no data returned for the When Assignments Are Deleted event.
- Type: The event that took place (assignment.created or assignment.updated)
- All Day Assignment: Shows true or false to indicate if the assignment is for the full day or not
- Allocation Mode: The selected allocation mode of the assignment—either Percentage, Hours Per Day, or Fixed
- Assignable ID: The ID of the assignment
- Bill Rate: The bill rate of the assignment
- Bill Rate ID: The bill rate ID
- Created At: A timestamp —in ISO 8601 format— for when the assignment was created
- Description: The assignment description
- Ends At: The end date of the assignment
- Fixed Hours: The total hours of the assignment
- Hours Per Day: The allocation hours per day of the assignment
- ID: The ID of the assignment
- Note: Any assignment notes
- Percent: The percentage allocation of the assignment
- Resource Request ID: The ID of the request, if this was a resource request rather than an allocation
- Starts At: The start date of the assignment
- Status: This value is always null and is related to a feature only available to one Resource Management customer. Don’t use it in workflows.
- Status Option ID: The ID of an assignment’s status
- This data is defined in the account settings on the Work Status page, but the ID isn't visible in the UI.
- Status Option Label: The name of an assignment status
- This data is defined in the account settings on the Work Status page.
- Updated At: A timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—for when the assignment was updated. When the assignment is created, this timestamp is the same as Created At
- User ID: The ID of the assigned user
Check out Resource Management for Bridge: Modules for information about modules available when integrating Resource Management with Bridge.