Applies to

Bridge by Smartsheet


Who can use this capability

  • Admin

Resource Management for Bridge: Modules

The below modules are available for integration and can be used in workflows to connect Resource Management with other systems to automate processes.

Who can use this?


  • Bridge by Smartsheet


  • Admin

Find out if this capability is included in Smartsheet Regions or Smartsheet Gov.

To create Resource Management triggers in Bridge, you must have Admin permission in your Resource Management account.

Create Assignment

Creates assignments by letting you specify or reference a user, an assignable, and other assignment settings. You could use this module to automatically create assignments in Resource Management when an event takes place elsewhere. 

For example, when an incident is created in Service Now, data from that incident can be used to create an assignment in Resource Management. 

These are the fields in the Create Assignment module:

  • User ID or Email: The ID or email address of the user for whom the assignment is. The workflow fails if an email address used isn’t unique in Resource Management.
  • Assignable ID: The ID of the assignable item—a project, phase, or leave type—to be used
  • Allocation Mode: The allocation mode for the new assignment: percent, hours_per_day, or fixed.
  • Allocation Value: The value to allocate as per the mode selected. For example, if you select Total, enter or reference the value four results in the assignment being a total of 4 hours.
  • Starts At: The start date of the assignment in a YYYY-MM-DD or ISO 8601 format
  • Ends At: The end date of the assignment in a YYYY-MM-DD or ISO 8601 format
  • Description: An optional field where you can add a description of the assignment 
  • Note: An optional field where you can add a note for the assignment

You can use data references in all these fields except Allocation Mode.

What you’ll see in the Run Log pane

  • Data: This group details the created assignment.
    • All Day Assignment: Shows true or false to indicate if the assignment is for the full day or not
    • Allocation Mode: The selected allocation mode of the assignment: percent, hours_per_day, or fixed.
    • Assignable ID: The ID of the assignment
    • Assignee: The user given the assignment
    • Bill Rate: The bill rate of the assignment
    • Bill Rate ID: The bill rate ID
    • Created At: A timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—for when the assignment was created
    • Description: The assignment description
    • Email: The email address of the user given the assignment
    • Ends At: The end date of the assignment
    • Fixed Hours: The total hours of the assignment. This data isn’t listed in the Run Log if another allocation mode was used.
    • Hours Per Day: The allocation of hours per day of the assignment. This data isn’t listed in the Run Log if another allocation mode was used.
    • ID: The ID of the assignment
    • Note: Any assignment notes
    • Percent: The percentage allocation of the assignment. This data isn’t listed in the Run Log if another allocation mode was used.
    • Repetition ID: An ID to indicate repeated assignments. The ID is equal to the parent assignment. The value is empty when the assignment isn’t part of a repeating series. 
    • Resource Request ID: The ID of the request if this was a resource request rather than an allocation
    • Starts At: The start date of the assignment
    • Status: This status is always empty and no longer in use
    • Status Option ID: The ID representing the assignment’s status
    • Updated At: A timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—for when the assignment was updated. When the assignment is created, this timestamp is the same as Created At.
    • User ID: The ID of the user given the assignment
  • State: Refer to this section to check if the module worked.
    • Code: This is the success/error code that the module pulls from Smartsheet.
    • Message: This system-generated message that the module pulls from Smartsheet. For example, if the module can’t find a value, the message that appears is Not found.
    • Status: This is the status that the module pulls from Smartsheet. You might encounter these examples of status labels:
      • Succeeded: The module successfully found the information.
      • Failed: The module didn’t find the information.

Create Project

Use this module in workflows to create projects in Resource Management using data from other systems. 

For example, a deal is marked as Closed-Won in Salesforce. The connector moves the data to Smartsheet, where a team lead reviews the project details. When the team lead is ready to start the project, they'll change the status in the sheet. This status change causes a Bridge workflow to run, using information from the row in the sheet; the workflow creates a new project using this module.

These are the fields in the Create Project module:

  • Project Name: The name to give the project
  • Starts At: The start date of the assignment in a YYYY-MM-DD or ISO 8601 format
  • Ends At: The end date of the assignment in a YYYY-MM-DD or ISO 8601 format
  • Project Type: The state of the project: Confirmed, internal or tentative.
  • Description: Optional field to describe the project
  • Project Code: Optional field to enter a project code
  • Settings: A binary number indicating:
    • 1000 indicates the budget is tracked in days, isn’t for a phase, and isn’t using parent project bill rates. It also indicates the duration isn’t locked and is presented as the value 8
    • 0110 indicates the budget is tracked in $, is a phase, and uses parent project bill rates. It also indicates the duration isn’t locked and is presented as the value 6, etc.
  • Time Entry Lockout: The selected setting for locking time entries 
    • -1 stands for Do not lock time entries for this project
    • 0 stands for Lock all time entries for this project; or if Lock time entries for this project that are older than X calendar days is chosen, the value that appears is the number of days set in Resource Management 
  • Client: Name of the client attached to the project
  • Custom Fields: Update Custom Fields available on the project. If the field type is multiple choice, separate the values with a comma. For example: Value A, Value B, Value C.
    • Field Name: The name of the custom field to be updated
    • Field Value: The value that should be set in the custom field 

You can use data references in all these fields.

What you’ll see in the Run Log pane

  • Data: This group details the project created. The output data of this module is the same as the trigger data for the event When Projects Are Created
  • State: Refer to this section to check if the module worked.
    • Code: This is the success/error code that the module pulls from Smartsheet.
    • Message: This system-generated message that the module pulls from Smartsheet. For example, if the module can’t find a value, the message that appears is Not found.
    • Status: This is the status that the module pulls from Smartsheet. You might encounter these examples of status labels:
      • Succeeded: The module successfully found the information.
      • Failed: The module didn’t find the information.

Create User

Use this module in workflows to do the following in the Resource Management app: 

  • Create a new user in Resource Management 
  • Specify user details like first and last names, email addresses, and permissions levels

These are the fields in the Create User module:

  • First Name: Reference or specify the user’s first name
  • Last Name: Reference or specify the user’s last name/surname
  • License type: An optional field with the following choices: licensed or managed_resource 
  • Email: Reference or specify the user’s email address
  • Permission level: Permission levels are represented by a digit (see below). If you leave this field blank, the system uses the default permission level Team Member (3). You can only assign Administrator (1) in the Resource Management app. 
    • 0: None
    • 1: Administrator
    • 2: Project Manager
    • 3: Team Member
    • 4: Restricted Team Member
    • 5: Contractor
    • 7: Scheduler
    • 8: User
  • Advanced Options: These fields are also available in the expandable Advanced Options section of the module:
    • Cell Phone: Option to reference or specify a user’s cell number 
    • Office Phone: Option to reference or specify a user’s office number
    • Location: If the location entered doesn’t exist in Resource Management, a new one is created. 
    • Utilization Target: This field shows a percentage value. You can use it to see how the actual utilization compares to the target for this person. The target is only used in the Utilization Report and doesn’t impact availability. 
    • Discipline: If a discipline entered here doesn’t exist in Resource Management, a new one is created. 
    • Role: If a role entered here doesn’t exist in Resource Management, a new one is created. 
    • Bill Rate: To use a modified bill rate for the user, enter a numeric value. If you leave this field blank, the default bill rate based on discipline and role is used. 
    • Tags: List any tags separated by a comma. If a tag entered doesn’t exist in Resource Management, a new one is created. 
    • First Day of Work: The user’s first day of work in the format YYYY-MM-DD 
    • Last Day of Work: The user’s last day of work in the format YYYY-MM-DD 
    • Custom Fields: Update Custom Fields available for people in your Resource Management account. If the field type is multiple choice, separate the values with a comma. For example: Value A, Value B, Value C.
      • Field Name: The name of the custom field to be updated 
      • Field Value: The value that should be set in the custom field 

You can use data references in all these fields.

What you’ll see in the Run Log pane

  • Data
    • Account Owner: Shows true or false to indicate if the user is the account owner 
    • Archived: Shows true or false to indicate if the user has been archived 
    • Archived at: A timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—from when the user was archived
    • Billability Target: The user’s billability target
    • Billable: Shows true or false to indicate if the user is billable or not
    • Billrate: The specified bill rate for the user
    • Created at: A timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—from when the user was created. 
    • Deleted: Shows true or false to indicate whether the user has been deleted
    • Deleted at: A timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—from when the user was deleted 
    • Discipline: Shows the assigned discipline for the user 
    • Display Name: Shows the first and last name of the user 
    • Email: Shows the email address of the user 
    • Employee Number: Shows the user’s employee number 
    • First Name: The value from the First Name field 
    • Guid: A unique ID generated for the user 
    • Has Login: Shows true or false to indicate whether the user has set up a login
    • Hire Date: Date user was hired 
    • Id: Shows the user id 
    • Invitation Pending: Shows true or false to indicate whether the user’s invitation to the account is pending 
    • Last Name: The value from the Last Name field 
    • License Type: The user’s license type. If no license type is specified, the default is licensed
    • Location: The location of the user, if one has been set
    • Location ID: The ID of the user’s location
    • Login Type: Indicates how the user can access Resource Management 
    • Mobile Phone: The value from the Cell Phone field 
    • Office Phone: The value from the Office Phone field 
    • Role: The role of the user 
    • Termination Date: The date the user was terminated, or the last working day of the user 
    • Thumbnail: Shows the URL to a user profile image, if available 
    • Type: Shows the type of object in Resource Management. For this module, the type is User
    • Updated at: A timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—from when the user was last updated 
    • User Settings: A numeric value to indicate user settings related to their account type
    • User Type ID: Shows the user’s permission level. See the Permissions Level field in the Update User module. 
  • State: Refer to this section to check if the module worked.
    • Code: This is the success/error code that the module pulls from Smartsheet.
    • Message: This system-generated message that the module pulls from Smartsheet. For example, if the module can’t find a value, the message that appears is Not found.
    • Status: This is the status that the module pulls from Smartsheet. You might encounter these examples of status labels:
      • Succeeded: The module successfully found the information.
      • Failed: The module didn’t find the information.

Get Assignable

Use this module to get an assignable by specifying an ID. You could use this to update another system with information about an assignable or create an assignment if the assignable meets certain criteria.

The following fields are available in the module. Note that data references can be used.

  • Assignable ID: The ID of the assignment to get

What you'll see in the Run Log pane

  • Data:
    • Created At: A timestamp in ISO 8601 format for when the assignable was created
    • Deleted At: A timestamp in ISO 8601 format for when the assignable was deleted
    • Description: The description of the assignable, if one exists.
    • GUID: A generated unique ID for the assignable
    • ID: The assignable’s ID
    • Name: The name of the assignable. This can be the name of a project or a leave type.
    • Parent ID: If the assignable is for a project phase the project ID is returned.
    • Phase Name: If the assignable is for a project phase the phase name is returned.
    • Project Code: If the assignable is for a project the project code is returned
    • Project State ID: If the assignable is for a project the project type is returned i.e Confirmed, Internal or Tentative.
    • Secure URL: Secure URL for the project thumbnail
    • Secure URL Expiration: Expiration time for the secure URL
    • Settings:A binary number indicating:
      • 1000 indicates the budget is tracked in days, isn’t for a phase, and isn’t using parent project bill rates. It also indicates the duration isn’t locked and is presented as the value 8
      • 0110 indicates the budget is tracked in $, is a phase, and uses parent project bill rates. It also indicates the duration isn’t locked and is presented as the value 6, etc.
    • Starts At: The start time of the assignable
    • Thumbnail: An image for the assignable, if available.
    • Time Entry Lockout: The time entry lockout setting for the project or leave associated with the assignable.
    • Type: The object type e.g. Project, Leave Type
    • Updated At: A timestamp in ISO 8601 format for when the assignable was updated.
  • State: Refer to this section to check if the module worked.
    • Code: This is the success/error code that the module pulls from Smartsheet.
    • Message: This system-generated message that the module pulls from Smartsheet. For example, if the module can’t find a value, the message that appears is Not found.
    • Status: This is the status that the module pulls from Smartsheet. You might encounter these examples of status labels:
      • Succeeded: The module successfully found the information.
      • Failed: The module didn’t find the information.

Get Placeholder

Use this module to get information about a specific placeholder resource for use elsewhere in the workflow. You can use data references in this field:

  • Placeholder ID: The ID of the placeholder resource to get

What you'll see in the Run Log pane 

  • Data:
    • Abbreviation: The abbreviation of the resource type as specified on creation
    • Bill Rate: The specified bill rate for the placeholder resource
    • Color: The color chosen on creation that is used throughout the UI to represent the placeholder resource.
    • Created At: A timestamp in ISO 8601 format for when the placeholder resource was created
    • Discipline: The discipline of the placeholder resource 
    • Display Name: The display name given to the placeholder resource on creation
    • GUID: A generated unique ID for the placeholder resource
    • ID: The ID of the placeholder resource
    • Location: The location of the placeholder resource, if one has been set.
    • Role: The role of the placeholder resource
    • Thumbnail: The thumbnail image of the placeholder resource
    • Title: The placeholder resource’s title
    • Type: The object type, this is always PlaceholderResource for this module
    • Updated At: A timestamp in ISO 8601 format for when the placeholder resource was updated
    • User Type ID: Placeholder resources are represented by a user type ID of 0
  • State: This group provides details about the success or failure of the execution
    • Code: This is the success/error code returned from Resource Management.
    • Message: This is a message, if any, that is returned from Resource Management. For example, if a placeholder couldn’t be found the message might be Not found.
    • Status: This is the status returned from Resource Management. For example, if a placeholder was found successfully the status is SUCCEEDED, if a placeholder couldn’t be found the error might be FAILED.

Get Project

Use this module to get information about a specific project. Use the information about it to update other systems or to use the information to gather more information from Resource Management.

The following fields are available in the module. Note that you can both type a value or reference one.

  • Project ID: The ID of the project you want to get information about.

What you'll see in the Run Log pane 

  • Data: This group provides details about the assignment that was created. The output data of this module is the same as the trigger data for the event When Projects Are Created
  • State: This group provides details about the success or failure of the execution
    • Code: This is the success/error code returned from Resource Management.
    • Message: This is a message, if any, that is returned from Resource Management. For example, if a project couldn’t be found, the message might be Not found.
    • Status: This is the status returned from Resource Management. For example, if a project was created successfully the status is SUCCEEDED, if a project couldn’t be created the error might be FAILED.

Get Project Time Entries

The following fields are available in the module. You can use data references in all these fields.

  • Project Id Or Name: The ID or name of the project you want to get the time entries of. If a name is used that isn’t unique the workflow fails.
  • From: Specify a From date to return only projects that have a start date after a certain date.
  • To: Specify a To date to return only projects that have an end date before a certain date.
  • Sort Field: A dropdown to choose if returned data should be sorted by Created or Updated. Set to No Sorting by default.
  • Sort Order: Only visible if a sorting field was set in the previous field. Set to No Sorting by default. Ascending or Descending available as options.
  • Include Suggestions: Checking the box includes time entries based on the project schedule that haven’t been validated yet.
  • Per Page: Specify a number to paginate results. If left empty the default value is 20.
  • Page: Specify a page in the results to return. For example, if you want to return only the results between 10-20 enter 10 in the Per Page field and enter 2 in the Page field.

What you'll see in the Run Log pane 

  • Data:
    • Assignable ID: The ID of the assignment
    • Assignable Type: The type of assignable e.g. Project or Leave Type
    • Bill Rate: Null or the bill rate of the time entered.
    • Bill Rate ID: The ID of the bill rate associated with the time entered
    • Created At: A timestamp in ISO 8601 format for when the time entry was created.
    • Date: The date of the time entry
    • Hours: Number of hours entered
    • ID: The ID of the time entry
    • Is Suggestion: True or False to indicate if time entry is a suggestion
    • Notes: Any notes on the time entry
    • Scheduled Hours: The number of hours scheduled (suggested time only)
    • Task: The task category
    • Updated At: A timestamp in ISO 8601 format for when the time entry was updated
    • User ID: The ID of the user the time entry is for.
  • State: This group provides details about the success or failure of the execution
    • Code: This is the success/error code returned from Resource Management.
    • Message: This is a message, if any, that is returned from Resource Management. For example, if a project couldn’t be found  the message might be Not found.
    • Status: This is the status returned from Resource Management. For example, if a project was created successfully the status is SUCCEEDED, if a project couldn’t be created the error might be FAILED.

The time entries are returned as individual objects in an array.

Get Report Rows

Use this module to get report rows for a range of data available in Resource Management. This can be useful to update other systems with report information when a change occurs in Resource Management.

The following fields are available in the module:

  • View: Different report views available. Choose from Time Fees Hours, Time Fees Days, Time Fees Amounts, Time Fees Hours and Amounts, Time Fees Days and Amounts, Budgets Hours, Budgets Days, Budgets Amounts, Utilization, Expenses.
  • Time Frame: Time Frames available to report on. Choose from This Week, This Month, This Quarter, This Year,  Last Week, Last Month, Last Quarter, Last Year, Next 30 Days, Next 60 Days, Next 90 Days, Last 30 Days, Last 60 Days, Last 90 Days, Last And Next 90 Days, Custom Time Frame.
    • From: Only available if a Custom Time Frame was selected. The start date of the timeframe.
    • To: Only available if a Custom Time Frame was selected. The end date of the timeframe
  • Group By: Desired grouping of the results. Choose one or more of User ID, Role, Discipline, Location, Assignment Status, Date, Week, Month, Project ID, Client, Leave Type, ’Project Type, Phase Name, Record Type, Entry Type, Category, Approval Status, Approved By.
  • Filters:
    • Attribute: Attribute to filter results on. Some options as in Group By field including Custom Fields
    • ID: Only available if Custom Fields selected in the dropdown above
    • Operation: Choose to include or exclude filtered report rows
    • Values: The value(s) to filter on
  • Today: The date on which past/incurred time ends and future scheduled time begins in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Calculate Incurred Using: Choose how to calculate incurred time by selecting either Confimed Hours and Unconfirmed Past Scheduled Hours, Confirmed Hours Only or Approved Hours Only.

What you'll see in the Run Log pane 

  • Data: This group provides details about the report.
    • Dates: Information about the dates used to get the report
      • Range: Information about the date ranges
        • From: Start of the date range
        • To: End of the date range
      • Today: The Today value used. This is the date on which past/incurred time ends and future scheduled time begins. If no date was specified the report defaults to today’s date.
    • Params: Other report parameters used to run the report
      • Calc Incurred Using: the calculation method selected in workflow setup
      • Filters: filters selected in workflow setup
      • Group By: grouping selected in workflow setup
      • Time Frame: Timeframe chosen in workflow setup
      • View: The report view chosen in workflow setup
    • Rows: Report rows are returned as an array. Which data is returned depends on the options selected during setup. 
    • State: This group provides details about the success or failure of the execution
      • Code: This is the success/error code returned from Resource Management.
      • Message: This is a message, if any, that is returned from Resource Management. For example, if a project couldn’t be created because the data given doesn’t meet Resource Management requirements the message might be bad data.
      • Status: This is the status returned from Resource Management. For example, if a project was created successfully the status is SUCCEEDED, if a project couldn’t be created the error might be FAILED.

Get Report Totals

This module works similarly to the Get Report Rows module but only returns the total values.

The following fields are available in the module. You can use data references in all these fields:

  • View: Different report views available
  • Time Frame: Time Frames available to report on
    • From: Only available if a Custom Time Frame was selected. The start date of the timeframe.
    • To: Only available if a Custom Time Frame was selected. The end date of the timeframe
  • Group By: Desired grouping of the results. Choose one or more of User ID, Role, Discipline, Location, Assignment Status, Date, Week, Month, Project ID, Client, Leave Type, ’Project Type, Phase Name, Record Type, Entry Type, Category, Approval Status, Approved By.
  • Filters:
    • Attribute: Attribute to filter results on
    • ID: Only available if Custom Fields selected in the dropdown above
    • Operation: Choose to include or exclude filtered report rows
    • Values: The value(s) to filter on
  • Today: The date on which past/incurred time ends and future scheduled time begins in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Calculate Incurred Using: Choose how to calculate incurred time by selecting either Confirmed Hours and Unconfirmed Past Scheduled Hours, Confirmed Hours Only or Approved Hours Only

What you'll see in the Run Log pane 

  • Data: This group provides details about the report.
    • Dates: Information about the dates used to get the report
      • Range: Information about the date ranges
        • From: Start of the date range
        • To: End of the date range
      • Today: The Today value used. This is the date on which past/incurred time ends and future scheduled time begins. If no date was specified the report defaults to today’s date.
    • Params: Other report parameters used to run the report
      • Calc Incurred Using: the calculation method selected in workflow setup
      • Filters: filters selected in workflow setup
      • Group By: grouping selected in workflow setup
      • Time Frame: Timeframe chosen in workflow setup
      • View: The report view chosen in workflow setup
    • Totals: The totals returned from Resource Management.
  • State: This group provides details about the success or failure of the execution
    • Code: This is the success/error code returned from Resource Management.
    • Message: This is a message, if any, that is returned from Resource Management. For example, if a project couldn’t be created because the data given doesn’t meet Resource Management requirements the message might be bad data.
    • Status: This is the status returned from Resource Management. For example, if a project was created successfully the status is SUCCEEDED, if a project couldn’t be created the error might be FAILED.

Get User

Use this module to get more information about a specific user in Resource Management and use the returned data to update other systems or in other workflow modules.

The following fields are available in the module. Note that data references can be used.

  • User Id Or Email Address: The ID or email address of the user to get. If an email address used isn’t unique in Resource Management the workflow fails.

What you'll see in the Run Log pane 

  • Data: This group provides details about the user found.
    • The output data of this module is the same as the trigger data for the event When Users Are Created.
  • State: This group provides details about the success or failure of the execution
    • Code: This is the success/error code returned from Resource Management.
    • Message: This is a message, if any, that is returned from Resource Management. For example, if a project couldn’t be created because the data given doesn’t meet Resource Management requirements the message might be bad data.
    • Status: This is the status returned from Resource Management. For example, if a project was created successfully the status is SUCCEEDED, if a project couldn’t be created the error might be FAILED.

List Assignables

The following fields are available in the module. You can use data references in all these fields.

  • Per Page: Specify a number to paginate results. If left empty the default value is 20.
  • Page: Specify a page in the results to return. For example, if you want to return only the results between 10-20 enter 10 in the Per Page field and enter 2 in the Page field.

What you'll see in the Run Log pane 

  • Data:
    • Client: If the assignable is associated with a project where a client is specified the client name is returned.
    • Created At: A timestamp in ISO 8601 format for when the assignable was created
    • Deleted At: A timestamp in ISO 8601 format for when the assignable was deleted
    • Description: The description of the assignable, if one exists.
    • Ends At: The assignable end time
    • GUID: A generated unique ID for the assignable
    • ID: The assignable ID
    • Name: The name of the assignable. This can be the name of a project or a leave type.
    • Parent ID: If the assignable is for a project phase the project ID is returned.
    • Phase Name: If the assignable is for a project phase the phase name is returned.
    • Project Code: If the assignable is for a project the project code is returned
    • Project State ID: If the assignable is for a project the project type is returned i.e Confirmed, Internal or Tentative.
    • Secure URL: Secure URL for the project thumbnail
    • Secure URL Expiration: Expiration time for the secure URL
    • Settings: A binary number indicating:
      • 1000 indicates the budget is tracked in days, isn’t for a phase, and isn’t using parent project bill rates. It also indicates the duration isn’t locked and is presented as the value 8
      • 0110 indicates the budget is tracked in $, is a phase, and uses parent project bill rates. It also indicates the duration isn’t locked and is presented as the value 6, etc.
    • Starts At: The start time of the assignable
    • Thumbnail: An image for the assignable, if available.
    • Time Entry Lockout: The time entry lockout setting for the project or leave associated with the assignable.
    • Type: The object type e.g. Project, Leave Type
    • Updated At: A timestamp in ISO 8601 format for when the assignable was updated.
  • State: This group provides details about the success or failure of the execution
    • Code: This is the success/error code returned from Resource Management.
    • Message: This is a message, if any, that is returned from Resource Management. For example, if an assignable couldn’t be found the message might be Not found.
    • Status: This is the status returned from Resource Management. For example, if an assignable was found successfully the status is SUCCEEDED, if an assignable couldn’t be found the error might be FAILED.

List Placeholders

The following fields are available in the module. You can use data references in all these fields>

  • Fields: Use this field to list any additional placeholder fields you want to get that aren’t automatically returned by the module. (see below for which fields are returned by default). If adding multiple values to this field they must be comma separated and any spaces in the field name must be represented by an underscore. 
  • Per Page: Specify a number to paginate results. If left empty the default value is 20.
  • Page: Specify a page in the results to return. For example, if you want to return only the results between 10-20 enter 10 in the Per Page field and enter 2 in the Page field.

What you'll see in the Run Log pane 

  • Data:
    • Abbreviation: The abbreviation of the resource type as specified on creation
    • Bill Rate: The specified bill rate for the placeholder resource
    • Color: The color chosen on creation that is used throughout the UI to represent the placeholder resource.
    • Created At: A timestamp in ISO 8601 format for when the placeholder resource was created
    • Discipline: The discipline of the placeholder resource 
    • Display Name: The display name given to the placeholder resource on creation
    • GUID: A generated unique ID for the placeholder resource
    • ID: The ID of the placeholder resource
    • Location: The location of the placeholder resource, if one has been set.
    • Role: The role of the placeholder resource
    • Thumbnail: The thumbnail image of the placeholder resource
    • Title: The placeholder resource’s title
    • Type: The object type, this is always PlaceholderResource for this module
    • Updated At: A timestamp in ISO 8601 format for when the placeholder resource was updated.
    • User Type ID: Placeholder resources are represented by a user type ID of 0.
  • State: This group provides details about the success or failure of the execution
    • Code: This is the success/error code returned from Resource Management.
    • Message: This is a message, if any, that is returned from Resource Management. For example, if a placeholder couldn’t be found the message might be Not found.
    • Status: This is the status returned from Resource Management. For example, if a placeholder was found successfully the status is SUCCEEDED, if a placeholder couldn’t be found the error might be FAILED.

List Projects

The following fields are available in the module. Note that data references can be used in all text fields for this module. Also note that all fields are optional and if nothing is entered this returns all non-archived projects.

  • From: Set a From date to return projects that end on or after a date
  • To: Set a To date to return projects that start on or before a date.
  • Strict: When checked only projects where both the start and end date fall within the From and To dates will be returned.
  • Fields: Use this field to list any additional project fields you want to get that aren’t automatically returned by the module. (see below for which fields are returned by default). If adding multiple values to this field they must be comma separated and any spaces in the field name must be represented by an underscore. 
  • Filter Field: Select if and how to filter the results, by choosing No Filter, Project Name or Project Type.
  • Filter List: Enter a project name or type you want to filter results on, e.g. Confirmed, Tentative or Internal. This field is only available if a filter field was selected.
  • Sort Field: A dropdown to choose if returned data should be sorted by Created or Updated. Set to No Sorting by default.
  • Sort Order: Only visible if a sorting field was set in the previous field. Set to No Sorting by default. Ascending or Descending available as options.
  • Project Code: Reference a project code to return a specific project. If the project specified meets other criteria the data returned is the same as when using the Get Project module (unless additional fields have been specified in the Fields field above)
  • Phase Name: Same as above but can be used to return a specific phase by name
  • Include Archived Or Deleted Projects: Check the box to include deleted and archived projects
  • Include Phases: Check the box to include phases in the list of results
  • Per Page: Specify a number to paginate results. If left empty the default value is 20.
  • Page: Specify a page in the results to return. For example, if you want to return only the results between 10-20 enter 10 in the Per Page field and enter 2 in the Page field.

What you'll see in the Run Log pane 

  • Data: This group provides details about the projects found as an array with an entry for each project.
    • The output data of this module is the same as the trigger data for the event When Projects Are Created, and includes any additional fields specified in the Fields field.
  • State: This group provides details about the success or failure of the execution
    • Code: This is the success/error code returned from Resource Management.
    • Message: This is a message, if any, that is returned from Resource Management. For example, if a project couldn’t be found  the message might be Not found.
    • Status: This is the status returned from Resource Management. For example, if a project was created successfully the status is SUCCEEDED, if a project couldn’t be created the error might be FAILED.

List Users

The following fields are available in the module. You can use data references in all these fields.

  • Fields: Use this field to list any additional user fields you want to get that aren’t automatically returned by the module. (see below for which fields are returned by default). If adding multiple values to this field they must be comma separated and any spaces in the field name must be represented by an underscore.
  • Sort Field: A dropdown to choose if returned data should be sorted by Created, Updated, Updated, First Name, Last Name, Hire Date, Termination Date. Set to No Sorting by default.
  • Sort Order: Only visible if a sorting field was set in the previous field. Set to No Sorting by default. Ascending or Descending available as options.
  • Include Archived: Check the box to include archived users
  • Include Placeholders: Check the box to include placeholder users.
  • Per Page: Specify a number to paginate results. If left empty the default value is 20.
  • Page: Specify a page in the results to return. For example, if you want to return only the results between 10-20 enter 10 in the Per Page field and enter 2 in the Page field.

What you'll see in the Run Log pane 

  • Data: This group provides details about the users found as an array with an entry for each project.
    • The output data of this module is the same as the trigger data for the event When Users Are Created, and includes any additional fields specified in the Fields field.
  • State: This group provides details about the success or failure of the execution
    • Code: This is the success/error code returned from Resource Management.
    • Message: This is a message, if any, that is returned from Resource Management. For example, if a project couldn’t be created because the assignment start date data given doesn’t meet Resource Management requirements the message might be bad data.
    • Status: This is the status returned from Resource Management. For example, if a project was created successfully the status is SUCCEEDED, if a project couldn’t be created the error might be FAILED.

Update Project

The following fields are available in the module. Note that data references can be used in all text fields. 

  • Project Id or Name: The ID or name of the project to update. If the project name used is not unique in Resource Management the workflow fails.
  • New Project Name: If the project is given a new name specify or reference the new name here.
  • Shift Project: Check this box to shift the start and end dates for the whole project and any phases and assignments within it by a given number of days. Note that already existing time entries haven't been shifted. The days are automatically calculated based on a date set in the Starts At field below. Checking Shift Project hides the End Date field as it is set automatically using the new start date and the original project length of time.
  • Starts At: A new start date of the assignment in a YYYY-MM-DD or ISO 8601 format. If Shift Project is checked this field is mandatory.
  • Ends At: A new end date of the assignment in a YYYY-MM-DD or ISO 8601 format. This field is hidden if Shift Project is checked.
  • Project Type: A new state for the project: confirmed, internal or tentative. This field is optional.
  • Description: A new description for the project. This field is optional.
  • Archived: A checkbox to archive the project. This field is optional.
  • Project Code: A new project code. This field is optional.
  • Settings: This field is optional.
  • Time Entry Lockout: The new desired setting for locking time entries made against the project. -1 for Do not lock time entries for this project, 0 for Lock all time entries for this project or if Lock time entries for this project that are older than X calendar days is chosen the value shown is the number of days set in Resource Management. This field is optional.
  • Client: The new client the project is for. This field is optional.
  • Custom Fields: Update Custom Fields available on the project.
    • Field Name: The name of the custom field to be updated. 
    • Field Value: The value that should be set in the custom field. If the field type is multiple choice, separate the values with a comma. For example: Value A, Value B, Value C

What you'll see in the Run Log pane 

  • Data: This group provides details about the project that was created
    • The output data of this module is the same as the trigger data for the event When Projects Are Created 
  • State: This group provides details about the success or failure of the execution
    • Code: This is the success/error code returned from Resource Management.
    • Message: This is a message, if any, that is returned from Resource Management. For example, if a project couldn’t be updated because the data given doesn’t meet Resource Management requirements the message might be bad data.
    • Status: This is the status returned from Resource Management. For example, if a project was updated successfully the status is SUCCEEDED, if a project couldn’t be updated the error might be FAILED.

Update User

This module can be used in workflows to do the following in Resource Management: 

  • Update existing users 
  • Change user details like first and last names, email addresses, and permissions levels

The following fields are available in the module. You can use data references in all these fields.

  • First Name: Reference or specify the user’s first name
  • Last Name: Reference or specify the user’s last name/surname
  • License type: An optional field with the following choices: licensed or managed_resource  
  • Email: Reference or specify the user’s email address
  • Permission level: Permission levels are represented by a digit (see below). If you leave this field blank, the system uses the default permission level Team Member (3). You can only assign Administrator (1) in the Resource Management app. 
    • 0: None
    • 1: Administrator
    • 2: Project Manager
    • 3: Team Member
    • 4: Restricted Team Member
    • 5: Contractor
    • 7: Scheduler
    • 8: User
  • Advanced Options: These fields are also available in the Advanced Options section of the module:
    • Cell Phone: Option to reference or specify a user’s cell number 
    • Office Phone: Option to reference or specify a user’s office number
    • Location: If the location entered doesn’t exist in RM, a new one is created 
    • Utilization Target: This field shows a percentage value. You can use it to see how the actual utilization compares to the target for this person. The target is only used in the Utilization Report and doesn’t impact availability.  
    • Discipline: If a discipline entered here doesn’t exist in Resource Management, a new one is created. 
    • Role: If a role entered here doesn’t exist in Resource Management, a new one is created. 
    • Bill Rate: To use a modified bill rate for the user, enter a numeric value. If left blank, the default bill rate based on discipline and role is used. 
    • Tags: List any tags separated by a comma. If a tag entered doesn’t exist in Resource Management a new one is created. 
    • First Day of Work: The user’s first day of work in the format YYYY-MM-DD. 
    • Last Day of Work: The user’s last day of work in the format YYYY-MM-DD. 
    • Custom Fields: Update Custom Fields available for people in your RM account.
      • Field Name: The name of the custom field to be updated. 
      • Field Value: The value that should be set in the custom field. If the field type is multiple choice, separate the values with a comma. For example: Value A, Value B, Value C”

What you’ll see in the Run Log pane

  • Data
    • Account Owner: Shows true or false to indicate whether the user is the account owner
    • Archived: Shows true or false to indicate whether the user has been archived
    • Archived at: A timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—from when the user was archived
    • Billability Target: The user’s billability target
    • Billable: Shows true or false to indicate if user is billable or not
    • Billrate: The specified bill rate for the user
    • Created at: A timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—from when the user was created 
    • Deleted: Shows true or false to indicate whether the user has been deleted
    • Deleted at: A timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—from when the user was deleted 
    • Discipline: Shows the assigned discipline for the user 
    • Display Name: Shows the first and last name of the user 
    • Email: Shows the email address of the user 
    • Employee Number: Shows the user’s employee number 
    • First Name: The value from the First Name field 
    • Guid: A unique ID generated for the user 
    • Has Login: Shows true or false to indicate whether the user has set up a login access
    • Hire Date: Date the user was hired 
    • Id: Shows the user ID 
    • Invitation Pending: Shows true or false to indicate whether the user’s invitation to the account is pending 
    • Last Name: The value from the Last Name field 
    • License Type: The user’s license type. If no license type is specified, the default is licensed
    • Location: The location of the user, if one has been set
    • Location ID: The ID of the user’s location
    • Login Type: Indicates how the user can access Resource Management
    • Mobile Phone: The value from the Cell Phone field 
    • Office Phone: The value from the Office Phone field 
    • Role: The role of the user 
    • Termination Date: The date the user was terminated, or the last working day of the user 
    • Thumbnail: Shows URL to a user profile image, if available 
    • Type: Shows the type of object in Resource Management. For this module, the type is User
    • Updated at: A timestamp—in ISO 8601 format—from when the user was last updated
    • User Settings: A numeric value to indicate user settings related to their account type
    • User Type ID: Shows the user’s permission level. See Permissions Level field in this module. 
  • State: Refer to this section to check if the module worked.
    • Code: This is the success/error code that the module pulls from Smartsheet.
    • Message: This system-generated message that the module pulls from Smartsheet. For example, if the module can’t find a value, the message that appears is Not found.
    • Status: This is the status that the module pulls from Smartsheet. You might encounter these examples of status labels:
      • Succeeded: The module successfully found the information.
      • Failed: The module didn’t find the information.

For information about triggers available when integrating Resource Management with Bridge, refer to Resource Management for Bridge: Triggers.