Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connector


  • Smartsheet Advance Package


Who can use this capability?

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connector is available as a premium offering. For more information about features and benefits, see:

For information about pricing, contact our sales team.

The MS Dynamics 365 Connector empowers customer-facing teams to build their own flexible data workflows to get more done across teams. Use the Smartsheet for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connector to create workflows that sync information between Smartsheet and your Microsoft Dynamics 365 instance. The Connector provides real-time synchronization, which can save your team valuable time, and allows for a seamless handoff from sales to service. You can notify project teams when new products/projects are sold and automatically share key customer information to get them moving on implementation.

Smartsheet for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connector


  • Smartsheet Advance Package


Who can use this capability?

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connector is available as a premium offering. For more information about features and benefits, see:

For information about pricing, contact our sales team.

Log in to Smartsheet for Microsoft Dynamics 365

Once you've purchased Smartsheet for Dynamics 365, you can use this URL to log in and configure the Connector:

For information on browser compatibility, see System requirements and guidelines for using Smartsheet.

For help with using the Connector, refer to the following articles: