
  • Enterprise
Smartsheet Advance Package

WorkApps に関する FAQ

WorkApps の使用時に最もよく寄せられる質問に対する回答をご覧ください。

Who can use this?


  • Enterprise
  • Smartsheet Advance Package

WorkApps にアクセスできる場合は、WorkApps を作成および編集できます。WorkApp が共有されているユーザーは、アプリ ビルダーから割り当てられている役割に応じてアプリを表示したり使用したりすることができます。

SmartsheetとWorkApp の許可レベルはつながっていますか?

WorkApps の役割の権限レベルは、元のアイテムの共同作業者の Smartsheet 権限レベルとは無関係です。WorkAppを共有する場合、そのWorkAppに含まれる各Smartsheetアイテムへのアクセス権を付与する必要はありません。

WorkApps を共有できるユーザーやユーザーは?

作成した WorkApp は、追加コストなしで、すべての Smartsheet プラン (社内または社外) のライセンス ユーザーと共有できます。

ライセンスのないユーザーまたは無料アカウントの共同作業者と WorkApps を共有するには、WorkApps 共同作業者パックを追加で購入する必要があります。WorkApps 共同作業者パックの購入方法の詳細については、Smartsheet の営業部門にお問い合わせください。


公開されていない WorkApp はモバイルに表示されません。

What are consistent permissions?

Currently, this only applies to sheets in the WorkApp.

With consistent permissions, anyone shared to a WorkApp gets the same permission levels in the source sheet as in the WorkApp.

Consistent permissions is a new model that ensures consistent access to shared sheets across Smartsheet platforms. This means that if you have access to a sheet in a WorkApp, you have the same permissions when accessing it directly in Smartsheet.

If you had a higher permission level, whether to the item or the WorkApp, then you maintain that permission level. 

Consistent permissions basics

When you're granted permissions in WorkApps, these permissions apply to the corresponding sheets in Smartsheet, and vice versa. This consistency ensures that your access levels remain the same across both platforms. However, it's important to note that this only applies to sheets. Reports and dashboards are handled differently.

How do sheet access and editing work with consistent permissions?

If you're given Editor access to a sheet in a WorkApp, then you have the same level of access to that sheet in Smartsheet. Editor-cannot share is the highest level of sharing available in WorkApps, and you can’t share sheets from within WorkApps themselves.

What does it mean that the highest permission prevails in consistent permissions?

In cases where your permission levels differ between WorkApps and Smartsheet, the highest level always prevails. For example:

  1. If you have a higher level of permission in Smartsheet, that higher level persists when you access the item through a WorkApp.

  2. If you're given a higher level of permission in a WorkApp than you previously had in Smartsheet, you enjoy that higher level of access on both platforms.

What is access revocation in consistent permissions?

Understanding how access revocation works is crucial:

  1. When your access to a WorkApp or a sheet within a WorkApp is revoked, you lose access to that sheet in both the WorkApp and Smartsheet.

  2. However, if you had access to a sheet in Smartsheet before being added to a WorkApp containing that same sheet, and you subsequently lose access to the WorkApp, you retain your original access to the sheet in Smartsheet with the permission level you had before.

This approach ensures that revoking WorkApp access doesn't unintentionally remove pre-existing Smartsheet permissions.

How do consistent permissions work for reports and dashboards?

While sheet permissions are consistent between WorkApps and Smartsheet, the same isn’t true for reports and dashboards. If you're shared to a report via a WorkApp, you can view that report, but this doesn't automatically grant you access to the underlying sheet in Smartsheet. You need to get permission to access or edit the source data in Smartsheet.


To illustrate these concepts, consider the following scenarios:



You have Viewer access to a sheet in Smartsheet, but you get Editor access in a WorkApp.You now have Editor access in both the WorkApp and Smartsheet.
You have Editor access to a sheet in Smartsheet, but you only get Viewer access in a WorkApp. Your Editor access persists in both platforms.
You get access to a sheet via a WorkApp, but you didn't have prior access in Smartsheet. Your WorkApp access is later revoked. You lose access to the sheet in both the WorkApp and Smartsheet.
You had Viewer access to a sheet in Smartsheet. You're then given Editor access via a WorkApp. Later, your WorkApp access is revoked. You retain your original Viewer access to the sheet in Smartsheet.

These consistent permission rules ensure a seamless and secure experience across platforms while maintaining the integrity of your data access controls.

What if I'm already shared to a source item for the WorkApp?

If you're shared to a source sheet for the WorkApp with Editor permission, and you’re shared as a Viewer of the WorkApp to that same sheet, the Editor permission takes priority.

For reports and dashboards, your permission levels remain different if you have different permission levels on the source sheet and in the WorkApp.
