Combines a range of cells into a string with optional delimiters between the values
JOIN(range, [delimiter])
- range—The group of cells to join
- delimiter—[optional]The value to separate the values in the range (e.g., a hyphen, comma, or space). If no delimiter is provided, the values from the range will be joined without spaces (e.g., "Task ATask BTask C")
Sample usage
JOIN([Task Name]2:[Task Name]6, " - ")
Usage notes
This is a good alternative to using + (the plus sign) to concatenate text.
This example references the following sheet information:
Clothing Item | Item Number | Order Date | Ship Date | |
1 | Clothing Item T-Shirt | Item Number C001 | Order Date 02/12/19 | Ship Date 02/15/19 |
2 | Clothing Item Pants | Item Number C002 | Order Date 02/15/19 | Ship Date 03/20/19 |
3 | Clothing Item Jacket | Item Number C003 | Order Date 02/20/19 | Ship Date 02/27/19 |
Given the table above, here are some examples of using JOIN in a sheet:
Formula | Description | Result |
Formula =JOIN([Clothing Item]1:[Item Number]1, ": ") | Description Returns the values in row 1 of the Clothing Item and Item Number columns, separated by a colon and a space | Result T-Shirt: C001 |
Formula =JOIN([Clothing Item]1:[Clothing Item]3, ", ") | Description Returns the values in the Clothing Item column for rows 1 –3, separated by a comma and a space |
Result T-Shirt, Pants, Jacket |
Formula =JOIN([Order Date]3:[Ship Date]3, " - ") | Description Returns the dates in row 3 of the Order Date and Ship Date columns, separated by a space, a dash, then another space | Result 02/20/19 - 02/27/19 |
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