Save, print, or export Resource Management reports

Save your reports and go back to them whenever you need to. Resource Management automatically formats your reports so they're print- or PDF-friendly.

Who can use this?


  • Resource Management


  • Resourcing Administrator
  • Portfolio Editor
  • People Scheduler
  • Portfolio Reporter
  • Project Editor

Find out if this capability is included in Smartsheet Regions or Smartsheet Gov.

Reports saved to your personal page (My Work) appear on the left sidebar. Reports saved to the Reports page appear in the middle of the page under saved reports.

Reports saved with a predefined time frame will always pull data relative to today (Ex. last month, next week, next 90 days). If you want to set a fixed time frame for the report, use the custom date range.

Save a report

  1. In the upper right corner of the report, select Save
  2. Enter a name for the report and select if you want to save the report to the Reports page or your personal page (My Work).
    • If you save the report to your personal page (My Work), only you can see the report.
    • If you save the report to the Reports page, all users in your Resource Management plan with the appropriate permissions can view the report. 
  3. Select Save.

Save and print a report as a PDF

With the report open on your computer,

  • On Mac, use command + p ; on a PC go to File > Print
  • Most browsers have the option to View as PDF > Save

Export as a CSV

The type of report you create and the specific filters determine the columns for the CSV. The CSV only shows the collapsed row information and does not show the specific details visible when you expand a row in the Resource Management report.

Advanced reports

Once you have a saved report in Resource Management, you can create an Advanced report in order to view the data in Smartsheet. If you save a report to your personal page and then make it an advanced report, it now also appears on the Reports page for all users to see with the appropriate permissions.

In Resource Management, you cannot change the grouping settings or report type for an advanced report that is already created. If you need to update any of these settings, you will need to create a new advanced report. Also, if you navigate to the Reports page and then the saved reports section, you can see the last time the data was refreshed or if there were any errors.

In Smartsheet, you can apply different filters and grouping settings to the data and save your changes. When the advanced report refreshes, new data is pulled in, but your saved filters and grouping settings still apply.