Sign in with Apple FAQs

Sign in with Apple allows you to use your Apple ID to sign into Smartsheet. Here are some common issues that may come up when you use this authentication method and how to resolve them.

Who can use this?


  • Smartsheet
  • Pro
  • Business
  • Enterprise


System Admins for Enterprise plans can enable or disable this authentication option. Anyone with Sign in with Apple enabled can log in with their Apple ID.

Find out if this capability is included in Smartsheet Regions or Smartsheet Gov.

Why can't I create a new account with my Apple ID?

If you created your Smartsheet account by signing in for the first time using your Apple ID, then the sign-up process may have failed. To resolve this, open your iCloud settings and delete Smartsheet as an app, then try to sign up with your Apple ID again.

Why can't I log into my existing account with my Apple ID?

The sign in with Apple ID capability requires iOS 13 or higher and the Smartsheet mobile app version 6.4 or higher. If can't update your device to iOS 13 or higher, or if you can't download the Smartsheet mobile app version 6.4 or higher, then you may be unable to use the Sign in with Apple feature.

I have an existing Smartsheet account. When I log in with my Apple ID, none of my sheets are present and my account seems blank. Where are my Smartsheet items?

If you previously logged into Smartsheet with a different authentication option and your real email address, then you may have accidentally created a new Smartsheet account. When you choose to use the Hide My Email feature with Sign in with Apple, you log into Smartsheet using an alias (the alias resembles an email address in a form similar to

To log into your existing Smartsheet account, you must choose Share My Email instead of Hide My Email when signing in with Apple ID. Alternatively, use a different authentication option, such as:

  • Email and password
  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • Your company account

If you created your account with Apple ID, then you can log into your account even if you choose Hide My Email. However, if you want to use other authentication options, you must change your primary email address to your real email address. For more information, see Change the email address used with your Smartsheet account.

My System Admin invited me to their plan. Why can't I join?

If a System Admin invites you to their plan with your email address and you select Sign in with Apple, then you must use Share My Email when you log in if you'd like to join the plan right away.

If you select Hide My Email, you'll log into a Smartsheet account using an alias ( that doesn't match the email address that the System Admin invited. As a result, you won't be added to the plan.

If you created a Smartsheet account using your Apple ID and you selected Hide My Email when you created the account (that is, you opted to use the anonymous email address assigned to you during that process) you must take action if you want to use that email alias to join a Business or Enterprise Smartsheet plan.

Here's what you can do:

  1. Select Account > Personal Settings > Manage Email Addresses.
  2. Note the alias listed.
  3. Contact your Smartsheet System Admin and ask them to add the email alias to the Business or Enterprise plan that you want to join.