Applies to

  • Pro
  • Business
  • Enterprise


Who can use this capability

  • Owner
  • Admin
  • Editor

View changes made to Smartsheet Items

To view changes that have been made to a Smartsheet item, you can look at cell history, include System columns, or use the Activity Log.


  • Smartsheet
  • Pro
  • Business
  • Enterprise


  • Owner
  • Admin
  • Editor

Cell History

Right-click a cell and select View Cell History to see a log of changes made on the cell level, who made the changes, and when they were made. You can copy information from the View Cell History popup and paste it back into the cell as needed. 

System Columns

Create Modified (Date) and Modified By columns to show the time that each row was last edited and the collaborator who made the change, on each row in the sheet. For more information, see Column Type Reference.

Activity Log

Activity log is available with Business and Enterprise plans only.

Select the Activity Log icon Activity iconin the right Feature Bar to see a list of all changes made to an item, who made them, and when they were made. This includes changes such as row deletion (with the data that was deleted), who has viewed the item, and sharing permission changes. 

You can filter and export the Activity Log. Learn more in Track the History of Changes with Activity Log.

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