Unmanaged Resources

Unmanaged Resources are user accounts created for users assigned work via Smartsheet's Workload Tracking feature who do not already have a Resource Management account.

Who can use this?


  • Resource Management
  • Smartsheet
  • Business
  • Enterprise

Resourcing Admins can edit the user licenses in their account.

Unmanaged Resources are user accounts created for users assigned work via Smartsheet's Workload Tracking feature who do not already have a Resource Management account. These accounts are free, and they are created for:

  1. The creator of the project plan sheet
  2. Smartsheet users assigned work in the sheet
  3. Licensed users shared to the sheet at Editor or above when they open the Resource Management Panel

Unmanaged Resources capabilities inside Resource Management

Unmanaged Resource profiles

Unmanaged Resources cannot login to Resource Management. They do have profiles created that fully licensed users can see. Their profile shows:

  • The today tab
  • Their contact information
  • Any work they are assigned via workload tracking

Unmanaged Resources are listed in the People Portfolio. Assignments for Unmanaged Resources show up in the People Schedule. Unmanaged Resources cannot track time and approve time and expenses, are not shown in capacity view or reports, and cannot be assigned a skill, discipline, bill rate, etc. Upgrade the Unmanaged Resource to a Licensed User in order to use the full Resource Management Capabilities.

Unmanaged Resource owned projects

Projects owned by Unmanaged Resources appear in the Project Portfolio and Project Schedule. You can see the Project Name, Type (always Confirmed), and Start and End dates. All other fields are blank. Licensed users with applicable permissions can edit project settings. You can use filters, but only with the name, type, and start and end dates or any additional project settings added by a licensed user. You cannot use bulk edits with projects owned by Unmanaged Resources.

Upgrade an Unmanaged Resource

Upgrading an Unmanaged Resource to a licensed user is beneficial because the user can login to Resource Management and use the capabilities based on their permission level. Licensed users can:

  • Track and approve time and expenses
  • Show up in capacity view
  • Be included in report results
  • Have roles, disciplines, and skills

There are two ways to upgrade an Unmanaged Resource account.

Option 1:

  1. Open Account Settings.
    1. If you are working in Resource Management in Smartsheet, select the kebab menu in the top right corner, then select Account Settings.
    2. If you are working in standalone Resource Management, select SettingsAccount Settings.
  2. Select People.
  3. In the Unmanaged Resource section, select either Change to Managed or Make Licensed User.

    If an Unmanaged Resource is upgraded to a Managed Resource, they cannot access the Workload Heatmap and Schedule

Option 2:

  1. Navigate to the profile of the Unmanaged Resource you want to upgrade.
  2. Select Edit Profile.
  3. Edit any fields that are reserved for Licensed Users and Managed Resources. You can edit the bill rate, utilization, approvals, discipline, role, etc.

    A banner will appear letting you know that upon saving your changes, the Unmanaged Resource will be upgraded to a Licensed User.

  4. Save your changes. 

Downgrade to an Unmanaged Resource

If you need to downgrade a Licensed User to an Unmanaged Resource:

  1. Open Account Settings.
    1. If you are working in Resource Management in Smartsheet, select the kebab menu in the top right corner, then select Account Settings.
    2. If you are working in standalone Resource Management, select SettingsAccount Settings.
  2. Select People.
  3. In the Licensed User section, select either Change to Managed or Change to Unmanaged

Their advanced profile information remains saved in Resource Management in case you want to upgrade, but it will not be applied to their profile. Once you downgrade a user to an Unmanaged Resource, you will no longer be able to:

  • Track or approve time & expenses 
  • Filter by role/discipline/skill
  • Calculate the capacity for the user
  • See the user in reports