Applies to



Who can use this capability

Some Smartsheet users can submit a ticket and get technical support through the customer support portal.

Use the customer support portal

Efficient Troubleshooting: Submitting and Managing Your Technical Support Tickets in Smartsheet


  • Smartsheet


Some Smartsheet users can submit a ticket and get technical support through the customer support portal.

Some Smartsheet users can submit a ticket and get technical support through the customer support portal. Check the Get online Help and Support article if you aren't sure whether you can use the customer support portal.

Smartsheet Gov customer support is available from 6 am to 6 pm Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. To contact .gov support, use this form.

Got a question about billing? Go here

File a support ticket

  1. Go to

    Brandfolder customers can submit a support request via this form

  2. Log in and follow the instructions on your screen.

    Smartsheet will provide links to help articles that might answer your issue. Take a look at those links before you proceed; it can save you time.

  3. Submit the help request. 

Leave a comment or respond to an open support ticket

  1. Select the ticket you want to work with on the portal home page. 
  2. Select Share an update.
  3. Enter your comment, response, or question.
  4. Select Share


If your case has been closed for an extended period, you may need to create a new support ticket. 


Things to know

  • You can provide updates or additional information to your requests including attachments. 
  • You can continue to use email to communicate with our support team as you work to resolve an open issue.
  • Click Smartsheet in the top left corner of the screen to navigate back to the home page.
  • You can change your language and your region in settings. Note that not all content is available in all languages. 
  • Changing your email address in the Customer Support Portal will not change the email associated with your Smartsheet account. If you want to change your email address, change it in account settings, not on the portal. Learn more on Adjust your personal account settings.
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