Applies to

Resource Management


Who can use this capability

Resourcing Administrators, Portfolio Editors, People Schedulers, Portfolio Reporters, and Project Editors can pull utilization reports.

Create a scheduled hours report

You can export the data into a pivot table to display the scheduled hours per person within a project.


  • Resource Management


Resourcing Administrators, Portfolio Editors, People Schedulers, Portfolio Reporters, and Project Editors can pull utilization reports.

Reports won't show you scheduled hours per person within a project. However, you can export the data you need to create a pivot table to display this information.

To create a scheduled hours pivot table:

  1. Open the project you want to view the data from.
  2. On the left navigation panel of the project's page, click Time & Fees report.
  3. In the top right corner of the Time & Fees report, click Export and then click Export Underlying Data as CSV.
  4. Open the CSV in Excel. On the Insert menu, click Pivot Table. Accept the default values in the pop-up and click OK
  5. In the PivotTable Field List, check project and team member to make them appear under Row Labels. Then check Scheduled (hours) to make sure it appears under values. 

The table now shows the hours each person was scheduled for this project.

Excel pivot table showing a scheduled hours report.

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