Applies to

Resource Management


Who can use this capability

Resourcing Administrators, Portfolio Editors, People Schedulers, Portfolio Reporters, and Project Editors can create reports. The projects visible will vary by permission level. For example, Project Editors will only be able to see the projects they own.

Create a leave report

Leave report shows you all leave incurred (already taken), difference (unplanned and taken leave), and future scheduled (planned on the schedule for the future) for the time period you selected.


  • Resource Management


Resourcing Administrators, Portfolio Editors, People Schedulers, Portfolio Reporters, and Project Editors can create reports. The projects visible will vary by permission level. For example, Project Editors will only be able to see the projects they own.

  1. Go to Analytics. In the top right, click New Report.
  2. On the left sidebar under View, click Time & Fees and select Hours or Days.
  3. On the left sidebar under time frame, select a time frame: this year, this quarter, or a custom date range
  4. First group by Leave Type, then group by Team Member.

Hours in the report are grouped by project. You can filter on vacation days, sick leave or other leave types to get more refined results.

  1. On the left sidebar, under Show, click Leave Type
  2. Select the checkboxes for leave (vacation, sick, parental etc) that you want to review.


You can also filter to see leave for only yourself, one person, or department using these filters.


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