Applies to

  • Business
  • Enterprise

Get coaching with Smartsheet Pro Desk

Pro Desk, part of the Professional Support Package and the Premium Support Package, offers practical one-on-one or small-group coaching sessions with a Smartsheet expert.


  • Smartsheet
  • Business
  • Enterprise

Smartsheet Pro Desk offers practical one-on-one or small-group sessions with a Smartsheet expert to accelerate your setup time, help you understand the platform's capabilities, and get advice on Smartsheet best practices. Choose from topics such as Smartsheet Basics, Automation and Formulas, and Account Management.

Before you schedule a Pro Desk session, you need to have the Professional Support Package or the Premium Support Package.

How to purchase

Pro Desk sessions are part of the Professional Support Package or Premium Support Package. If you don’t already have one of the packages, you can purchase the Premium Support Package by contacting your sales representative directly or reaching out to our Sales Team for more information.

Frequently asked questions

How can I tell if I have a support package that includes Pro Desk?

When you sign up for a support package that includes Pro Desk, your sales representative will send you a welcome package in email. This email includes an access code that you need to sign up for some Pro Desk sessions.

The person who receives the welcome package and the access code could be your company’s Smartsheet System Admin or the Smartsheet Main Contact. To find your Main Contact, select the Account icon in the lower-left corner of your screen, and then select Plan Info or go directly to the Account Administration window.

I have verified that I have Pro Desk. How do I sign up for a session?

  1. Visit the Customer Support Portal site at
  2. At the top of the page, select Schedule.
  3. Select Schedule New Appointment.
  4. Select the session topic that you want, and then select Next.
  5. Select an available appointment time, and then select Schedule
  6. Fill out the session information, and then select Complete Appointment.

If you are an eligible Gov Customer, use this form to schedule a Pro Desk session.

Once your session is scheduled, you'll have the option to add an appointment to your calendar. You'll also receive an email confirmation (look for email from Smartsheet Prodesk with a  subject that starts with "New Appointment:").

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