Applies to

  • Brandfolder


Who can use this capability

Owners and Administrators can define the taxonomy of custom fields in their Brandfolders.

Set up custom fields

Custom Fields provides a controlled taxonomy tool by adding key/value pairs to your assets.


  • Brandfolder


Owners and Administrators can define the taxonomy of custom fields in their Brandfolders.

With controlled custom fields that support both single and multi-values, you can ensure that your asset data is set up and maintained to work with the ecosystem of tools you use every day. Custom Field keys can either be controlled by admins or added freely by admins or collaborators. 

Set up custom fields (single & multi-value) 

  1. Go to the Settings button in the top right corner and select General Settings.
  2. Select the Advanced Tab. Enable Control Custom Fields.
  3. Next, select the Custom Fields tab.
  4. Here you can define custom field Keys and Values. Keys are required to be set by admins. Values can be provided or left blank so that other users with editing capabilities can add values as needed.
    • If allow multiple values is selected, asset keys can have one or more values. Use a comma to separate or press enter after each value to input multiple values. 
    • If Required is selected, when users upload new assets they have to input the custom field in order upload the asset. Children of dependent custom fields can be marked as required.
    • When defining key and value pairs, . "" and : are not supported characters.
    • Once an asset has multiple keys for a value, you cannot unselect allow multiple values. First you must remove the multiple values from assets in Bulk Management Custom Fields.

5. Select Update Custom Fields. Assets can now be tagged with the Custom Fields through the asset modal, or bulk toolbar.

You can enable dependent custom fields to create a cascading relationship. Learn how to enable dependencies.

Add custom fields within the asset modal

Controlled custom fields can be defined for an asset in the asset modal. 

Navigate to the asset modal and select the Edit tab, then the Custom Fields tab. 

  • For multi-value custom fields with predefined values (restricted entry), users can select the checkboxes for multiple values to assign to the asset.

This image shows someone adding custom fields in the edit tab of the asset modal.

  • For single-value custom fields, you can only select one value from the dropdown menu. 
  • For multi-value custom fields with no values defined (unrestricted entry), you can add multiple values into the asset modal by typing in the values and separating them with commas. Once a comma is placed after a value it will be entered into the system.
  • For single value custom fields, you will only be able to input one value.
  • Finally for dependent custom fields, the appropriate dependent custom field will surface below the parent field once the value is selected.

Translations for single-value custom fields can be added in the same manner via the asset modal. Translations for multi-value custom fields are not currently supported. 

Once editing is complete, Save Changes. Changes can be viewed in the Overview tab of the asset modal. 

Add custom fields through the bulk toolbar

This .GIF depicts someone adding custom fields via the bulk action toolbar.

  1. Select the assets you want to edit. 
  2. The bulk toolbar will appear at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Within the bulk toolbar select, tag then choose the bulk custom fields tab in the modal. 
  4. For custom fields that allow multiple values, the user can either select predefined values from a dropdown or add multiple values.
  5. Select save.

If an asset has an existing single value custom field, bulk adding a different value will override the original value. If you bulk add values for a multi-value key it will add the values rather than override the original values.


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