SMALL Function

Returns the n-th lowest number in a provided range


SMALL(range, n)
  • range
    The group of numbers to return the n-th lowest value from
  • n
    A number representing the position, from the lowest, to return

Sample usage


Usage notes

  • SMALL only looks at numbers in the range you provide. If the range doesn't contain numbers, you receive an #INVALID VALUE or #INVALID COLUMN VALUE error.
  • If the n value is higher than the total number of values in the range, you receive an #INVALID DATA TYPE error.


This example references the following sheet information:

Row #Clothing ItemUnits SoldPrice Per UnitIn Stock?
1 T-Shirt 78 $15.00 false
2 Pants 42 $35.50 true
3 Jacket 217 $200.00 true

Given the table above, here are some examples of using SMALL in a sheet:

=SMALL([Price Per Unit]:[Price Per Unit], 1) Returns the 1st smallest number in the Price Per Unit column $15.00
=SMALL(COLLECT([Price Per Unit]:[Price Per Unit], [In Stock?]:[In Stock?], 1), 1) Returns the 1st smallest number in the Price Per Unit column where the values in the In Stock column are 1 (checked/true). $35.00
=INDEX([Clothing Item]:[Clothing Item], MATCH(SMALL([Units Sold]:[Units Sold], 1), [Units Sold]:[Units Sold], 0)) Returns the value in the Clothing Item column that has the smallest number of Units Sold  Pants

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