ISEVEN Function

Checks whether a number is even. Note that this function only works with whole numbers. If a value is even, this function returns "True." If the value is odd, this function returns "False."


  • number
    The number to evaluate

Sample usage

IF(ISEVEN([Units Sold]1),"True","False")

Usage notes

  • Units Sold references a column name
  • 1 references the row number
  • True and False refer to the value to return if the logical expression is true or false. You can label them as you wish.


This ISEVEN function only evaluates the numbers before the decimal place to determine whether these values are even or odd. Decimal values don’t impact the result.

This example references the following sheet information:

 FormulaOrder QuantityResult
1 =ISEVEN([Order Quantity]1) 8 TRUE
2 =ISEVEN([Order Quantity]2) 15 FALSE

Let's assume you have a Smartsheet with a column labeled Order Quantity. You want to check if each order quantity is an even number. In this example, let's focus on the value in row 2:

  1. In row 2, the order quantity is 15.
  2. You use the formula =ISEVEN([Order Quantity]2)
  3. The formula checks whether the value in row 2 of the Order Quantity column is even. Since 15 is odd, the formula returns FALSE.

Now, since row 1 has an order quantity of 8, the formula returns TRUE because 8 is an even number.

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