COUNTIF Function

Counts the number of cells within a range that meet a criterion.
Sample usage
COUNTIF(Quantity:Quantity, >25)


COUNTIF(range, criterion)
  • range
    The group of cells to count.
  • criterion
    The value that determines which cells in the range will be counted; for example: 15, "Hello World!", or >25.
Usage notes
  • For criterion, acceptable operators include:
    • = (equal to)
    • <> (not equal to)
    • > (greater than)
    • < (less than)
    • >= (greater than or equal to)
    • <= (less than or equal to)
  • Blank cells aren't counted when using <> (not equal to).

    For example, the formula =COUNTIF(Item:Item, <> "Shirt") won't count any blank cells that exist in the Item column.


This example references the following sheet information:

 Clothing ItemTransaction TotalUnits SoldIn Stock?

Given the table above, here are some examples of using COUNTIF in a sheet:

=COUNTIF([Units Sold]:[Units Sold], >50)Count the number of rows where the value in the “Units Sold” column is greater than 50. Rows 1 & 3 meet the criteria.2
=COUNTIF([In Stock?]:[In Stock?], 1)Count the number of rows where the “In Stock?” checkbox is checked. Rows 1 & 3 meet the criteria.2
=COUNTIF([Clothing Item]:[Clothing Item], "Jacket")Count the number of rows where value in the “Clothing Item” column is “Jacket.” Row 3 meets the criteria.1

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