lwc:html:Demande de niveau inférieur ou d’annulation Webform Your name? * Your email address? * Please select the type of downgrade or cancellation * Choose a categoryDowngrade to a different plan typeRemove licensesRemove an add-on or other productCancel my subscription We require 30 days notice prior to renewal to make any changes to your plan. If you are currently in term, we are unable to make changes to your plan until your next renewal. Please see our User Agreement. This request must come from a System Administrator on the account. If a System Admin is not available you will need to be able to provide a previous invoice number or transaction details as authorization. Please include relevant details such as the number of licenses, details of products to remove or any other information that will help us expedite your request. Reason for changes Choose a categoryChange in business processFinancial reasonsNo longer neededChose a different toolLack of useDifficult to use / lack of trainingSystem Issues / bugsNot as promisedOtherPrefer not to say Reason for changes Choose a categoryChange in Business ProcessFinancial ReasonsNo longer neededChose a different toolLack of useDifficult to use / lack of trainingSystem issues / bugsNot as promisedOtherPrefer not to say Please provide the number of licenses you would like to remove from your subscription Please tell us why you are cancelling so we can continue to improve our product Choose a categoryChange in business processFinancial reasonsLack of functionalityLack of Smartsheet useOrganizational changesOther (please provide details below) Additional details? File attachments? Our Privacy Notice describes how we process your personal data. *Customer Support is provided in English. Collect language * - Sélectionner -YesNo CAPTCHA * D’autres clients ayant des questions similaires ont trouvé ces réponses utiles 0