Applies to

  • Pro
  • Business
  • Enterprise


Who can use this capability

You must have a Smartsheet account to use the mobile app. To deactivate offline form submissions in Admin Center, you must be a Smartsheet admin.

Use mobile forms when you’re offline

Offline forms enable your team to access the mobile app and submit forms without an internet connection.


  • Pro
  • Business
  • Enterprise


You must have a Smartsheet account to use the mobile app. To deactivate offline form submissions in Admin Center, you must be a Smartsheet admin.

Individuals can make each form available for offline use in the app on their device while they're online. They can then launch the mobile app without an internet connection if they're already signed in.

All plans have access to offline forms. On Enterprise plans, a Smartsheet System Admin can deactivate the feature in Admin Center. 

You must sign in to the Smartsheet mobile app before loading the form. 

Make a form available offline 

The offline setting is per form. You must turn it on in every form you want to use while offline. 

  1. While you're online, open the form you want to use when you're offline.
  2. Select  More in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  3. Slide the toggle in the menu next to Make available offline.

Make a form available offline from Recents

  1. Select More next to a form.
  2. Slide the toggle in the menu next to Make available offline.

Forms are the only feature offering offline interactivity. Any other items in the app require an active internet connection. 

Access and submit an offline form

  1. Select the Offline section on the home screen.
  2. Select the form name. 
  3. Fill out your form and select Submit.

Submissions made while the user is offline will be submitted once the user is reconnected to the internet and authenticated as an authorized user on the account.

Submissions from unauthenticated users are rejected, and data is removed from the device once a connection is regained.

You can access offline forms from Recents

To delete data from the device manually

  • Open the form on your device and set Make available offline to off.
  • Manually clear your cache
  • Delete the Smartsheet app

Why aren’t my iOS offline submissions sending when the app is open in the background?

In your iOS settings, make sure you have toggled on Background App Refresh.

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