When you share an item with someone, the permission level you assign to them determines what they can do.
✓ = included
x = not included
Sharing permission levels on sheets
Sheet management
Available options | Viewer | Commenter | Editor | Admin | Owner | Plan Asset Admin |
Available optionsView all sheet data, including comments | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsEdit unlocked rows and columns in a sheet** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsEdit cells in locked columns or rows** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsDelete locked rows** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsInsert rows** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsInsert, rename and delete columns, change column properties* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsMove columns within a sheet* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsHide or unhide columns* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsMove rows within a sheet** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsMove rows to another sheet (you must have the same permission level in both sheets)** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsLock or unlock columns and rows* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsDelete unlocked rows** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsEdit conditional formatting rules* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsEnable or disable Highlight Changes in a sheet or report** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsExport a sheet or report | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsSort unlocked rows and freeze columns without saving | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsSort locked rows** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsSave changes after sorting rows or freezing columns** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsAdd new attachments and comments in a sheet or report** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsDownload attachments in a sheet or report | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsFilter data in sheets with the Unnamed Filter | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsName filters to save them** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsApply saved filters (not available for Pro plan) | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsCreate, edit, and delete shared filters (not available for Pro plan)* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsUse the Save as New command to save the sheet as a new sheet* | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsSave a sheet as a template* | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsRename a sheet or report** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsDelete a sheet or report/restore a deleted sheet or report** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminNot Included | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsCreate a connection from a sheet to a DataTable** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Any collaborator with Admin access to a workspace can delete and rename the sheets it contains. If a sheet is deleted from a workspace, it's recoverable for 30 days from the sheet owner's Deleted Items folder. Admins can see the item in their folder, but don’t have permission to recover the item.
*Available only to licensed users (Legacy Collaborator Model) or Members (User Subscription Model)
**For User Subscription Model plans, available only to Members
Available options | Viewer | Commenter | Editor | Admin | Owner | Plan Asset Admin |
Available optionsShare a sheet or report** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsChange the sharing permissions of other collaborators (for example, from Editor to Admin)** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsSend a sheet or report via email to self or others | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsSend rows via email to self or others* | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsPublish a sheet or report (Business and Enterprise accounts only)* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsCreate and manage forms* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsSend and edit Update Requests* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
*Available only to licensed users (Legacy Collaborator Model) or Members (User Subscription Model)
**For User Subscription Model plans, available only to Members
Available options | Viewer | Commenter | Editor | Admin | Owner | Plan Asset Admin |
Available optionsCreate and edit row-level and sheet-level reminders for other sheet collaborators** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsMove or copy rows to another sheet for themselves | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsCreate and edit row-level reminders or alerts for themselves | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsCreate and edit sheet-level reminders or alerts for themselves* | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsCreate and edit automated workflows (for example: approval requests and automated update requests)* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsCan disable or delete any automated workflows for themselves*** | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsCan disable or delete any automated workflows for other sheet collaborators* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
*Available only to licensed users (Legacy Collaborator Model) or Members (User Subscription Model)
***Available only on alert workflows
Project management
Available options | Viewer | Commenter | Editor | Admin | Owner | Plan Asset Admin |
Available optionsCreate and edit dependencies in project settings* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsDisplay or hide the critical path on a sheet** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsCreate and edit baselines in a sheet* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset Admin |
Available optionsView baselines in a project sheet | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
*Available only to licensed users (Legacy Collaborator Model) or Members (User Subscription Model)
**For User Subscription Model plans, available only to Members
AI tools
Available options | Viewer | Commenter | Editor | Admin | Owner | Plan Asset Admin |
Available optionsGenerate formulas* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsText and summaries* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsAnalyze data | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
*Available only to licensed Enterprise users (Legacy Collaborator Model) or Enterprise Members (User Subscription Model)
Sharing permission levels on reports
Available options | Viewer | Commenter | Editor | Admin | Owner | Plan Asset Admin |
Available optionsView all report data in all columns, including comments (if the user is also shared to the underlying source sheets) | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsRefresh and run the report to update its content | ViewerIncluded | CommenterIncluded | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsEdit unlocked rows and columns (if the user also has editing permission in the source sheets)** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsFreeze columns** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorIncluded | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsModify the report builder criteria* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsSort the report* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsRearrange columns** | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
Available optionsAdd and remove columns* | ViewerNot Included | CommenterNot Included | EditorNot Included | AdminIncluded | OwnerIncluded | Plan Asset AdminNot Included |
*Available only to licensed users (Legacy Collaborator Model) or Members (User Subscription Model)
**For User Subscription Model plans, available only to Members