Applies to

  • Enterprise

Troubleshoot WorkApps

Here are some general troubleshooting steps to resolve simple errors and help identify larger issues.


  • Enterprise

You must have a Smartsheet Advance plan to create and edit WorkApps. People who are shared to a WorkApp will be able to view and use the app as per the roles assigned to them by the app builder.

Error messages and resolutions

Error message 


Image too large

Upload an image smaller than 30 MB

Theme image type

Upload an image that is a PNG, JPG, or GIF

Service down

WorkApps service is down

Brand and publish troubleshooting

  • Once published, you can't unpublish the app. You need to either delete all of the roles, remove people from all of the roles, or delete the app.
  • If you make structural changes (e.g. added/deleted new pages or roles, updated app branding) to the app after you’ve published it, you need to Publish Changes to make those changes visible to end-users.
  • If you made any page permissions changes such as change a sheet page permission from viewer to editor for a role or added /deleted people from a role, you don't have to republish the app to make the changes available to your end user. 
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