Applies to

  • Brandfolder


Who can use this capability

Administrators, Designers, Authors, and Contributors can leave comments for their team members.

Add comments to documents

Learn how to use comments to collaborate with your team members in Content Automation.


  • Brandfolder


Administrators, Designers, Authors, and Contributors can leave comments for their team members.

You can only add comments inside a document when you're editing it. Below are the steps:

  1. From the edit screen, select the speech bubble icon next to Inputs.

    This image shows the speech bubble you can click to add a comment on a document.
  2. Doing so will switch you from the Inputs view to the Conversation view. Inside the Conversation view, you will find current comments added by other users (if there are any) and will have the ability to interact with these comments or add new ones.
  3. Select the Write a comment editor and type in your comment to add a comment. You can tag a specific input you may be referring to or assign the comment to a user. Assigning a comment to a user ensures they will be notified about your comment.
  4. Select Send once you're happy with the comment, assigned it to the user, and tagged an input.
  5. You can also view and add input-specific comments by editing the input and selecting the speech bubble. Input-specific comments will have a blue input labeled tag under it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of notifications does the user I assign the comment receives? 

The user you assigned the comment to or started a conversation with will be notified via email and the in-app notification tab on the top right-hand corner of your screen.

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