Fatal Profile Exception Errors

Who can use this?


  • Enterprise

FatalProfile Exception Errors are typically given during the authentication process (before it gets back to Smartsheet). The errors are most commonly from the IdP and contain a lot of information we don't need to use to troubleshoot.

This error list includes the most common errors and tips for resolving the issues that cause them.

NameID must have TextContent


  • NameID field getting passed in assertion is blank


  • Capture and analyze an assertion.
  • Make sure the claimes are set up correctly.
  • Partner with IdP Admin to verify NameID field is set up correctly.

Unable to locate the metadata for identity provider


If you get this error after clicking "Your Company Account" and do not get redirected to the IdP SSO page, it's possible the IdP metadata entered in SAML settings > Edit IdP > IdP Metadata includes an expired validUntil value.

Smartsheet (the service provider) may be unable to communicate with your Identity Provider. This may be a firewall issue or other network issue that prevents Smartsheet from reaching the URL endpoint in "Unable to locate metadata for identity provider (<insert URL here>)."

It's also possible that the URL is incorrect.


To identify if there is an invalid validUntil value, work with your IdP admin to review your metadata.

Use CTRL+F to search for “validUntil”. If there is a validUntil value, and the date for that value is in the past, then you will need to modify your IdP metadata and remove that element. You may be able to go to Smartsheet > SAML settings > Edit IdP > IdP Metadata to remove the element.

To resolve this error, Smartsheet needs to be able to connect with the Identity Provider during the sign-in process, and the endpoint/URL that Smartsheet calls must contain the IdP metadata.

Unable to establish security of incoming assertion


Your metadata isn't accessible or can't be validated.

  • The 509Certificate value in the assertion does not match the 509Certificate value in the IdP metadata saved in Smartsheet 


Unfortunately, this error can be caused by many different scenarios. Here are a couple of things to check:

  • Capture and analyze an assertion.
  • Check certificates and metadata for the org.
  • Check metadata for both (Persistent ID/NameID) and (EmailAddress).
  • If the 509Certificate value in the assertion does not match what you see saved in the IdP metadata, you will need to get new metadata from their IdP so you can update it in Smartsheet.

Invalid HTTP Method (GET)


  • Stored browser settings could be blocking
  • Metadata pipeline could be blocked


  • Clear cache and cookies or try an in-private or incognito browser session.
  • Reach out to Smartsheet Support for further investigation.

Message was signed, but signature could not be verified


  • Stored setting in browser
  • Certificate has expired or rolled over to new one
  • Certificate is using SHA1


  • Clear cache and cookies
  • Determine if the certificate was replaced recently. If so, update your metadata in Smartsheet.
  • Upgrade to use the suggested SHA256 certificate.

Unable to provide subject and attribute info. Attribute mapping(s) failed: Mapping lookup 'DSX' returned empty result.


  • The user's profile in the IdP profile isn't fully provisioned yet


  • Clear cache and cookies or try an in-private or incognito browser session.
  • Capture and analyze an assertion.
  • Work with the IdP administrator to confirm the user is completely set up. Comparing the affected user to a working user can be helpful in understanding this issue. 

SAML Response reported an IdP error


  • Stored setting in browser
  • Change in certificates in the IdP configuration without an update in Smartsheet
  • Required claims are not present in assertion or in an incorrect format


  • Clear cache and cookies
  • Work with your IdP Admin to ensure no changes have occurred. If there have been changes, update your metadata in Smartsheet.
  • Capture and analyze an assertion.

SAML message delivered with POST to Incorrect server URL


  • This is most likely an IdP error. When a SAML message is addressed to a location inconsistent with where the SP believes it's running, this error will be thrown. The SP pulls much of this information from the web environment.


  • Work with your IdP admin to review your metadata and make sure the ACS URL is correct.
  • Compare your customer's metadata to what is in Smartsheet. Re-add the metadata directly from your IdP as needed to make sure you have the most up-to-date version in the app.
  • Review the Shibboleth Wiki.