Request vendor onboarding documents and payment details

Smartsheet maintains its internal policies for its employees and doesn’t agree to or complete customer-specific policies or documents. With over 90,000 customers, Smartsheet can’t agree to customer-specific items.

Who can use this?


  • Smartsheet

As a US-based service provider, we comply with laws applicable to Smartsheet. Instead of filling out your documents, see the comprehensive Customer Welcome Packet.

The packet contains all the information you need to add Smartsheet as a vendor in your system, including:

  • Payment details
  • Most recent W-9
  • Confirmation of banking details from our bank 

Request a customer welcome packet

To obtain a customer welcome packet, submit a request using the Get Help with a Billing or Account Request form.

We’ll provide the customer welcome packet as soon as we can verify that you (the requestor or company) are a new or existing Smartsheet customer.

To update company information (name, address), change a billing contact, or contact Finance, go to the Billing & Finance Support page.