Applies to

  • Business
  • Enterprise


Who can use this capability

  • System Admin 

Brand Smartsheet with your colors and logo

Maintain your organization's brand recognition by applying custom colors and uploading your logo to Smartsheet.


  • Smartsheet
  • Business
  • Enterprise


  • System Admin 

The color settings and logo branding that you apply are displayed in the Smartsheet application, as well as in email messages sent out from Smartsheet.

Changing colors and logos don't retroactively apply to previously existing Smartsheet items or items for which you aren't the Owner. See Global Account Settings for information on applying colors and logos for everyone.

Brandfolder Image
Brand the application

Color and logo changes also apply to any sheet, report, and dashboard that isn't in a workspace.

Brand the application for your entire organization

System Admins can set the default color settings and logo branding for everyone in the account.

  1. In the lower-left corner, select Account > Admin Center.
  2. On the Branding & Personalization tile, select:
    • Account Colors
    • Account Logo
    • Branding Lock: Branding lock prevents users from applying personal branding settings. 
  3. Select Save.

You can revert to the default Smartsheet settings at any time. 

For best practices about creating a logo for use in Smartsheet, see Create a Quality Logo to Brand Your Smartsheet Items.

Brand the application for yourself

  1. Select Account in the lower-left corner and select Personal Colors & Logo.
  2. Choose color settings for Background and Task Bar Color. Or, select a color theme. 
  3. Upload an image file of your custom logo. Keep in mind the supported file types and that your logo may be resized. 
  4. Select Save.

You can't use custom colors or branding if your System Admin has applied strict branding guidelines. 

The item Owner and Admins can apply default colors and logo branding that will appear in new Smartsheet items (sheets, reports, workspaces, and dashboards) that they create.

Brand your Workspace 

Workspaces inherit org-level branding, not personal branding. Workspaces created after you set custom colors and logo branding inherit the new settings.

Existing workspaces need to be changed individually. If your sysadmin allows, you can brand individual workspaces, overwriting org-level branding. 

To brand a specific workspace: 

  1. Right-click on the workspace you want to brand.
  2. Select Workspace Colors & Logo.
  3. Choose color settings for Background and Task Bar Color. Or, select a color theme. 
  4. Upload an image file of your custom logo. Keep in mind the supported file types and that your logo may be resized. 
  5. Select Save.

Supported file types

  • PNG
  • GIF: You can upload animated GIFs but they don't play in the grid. The initial frame is the preview. Animation plays after you double-click the image in the grid.
  • JPG: JPGs in the RGB color space are supported. Images in a CMYK color space targeted for print aren't supported.
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