Zapier integration

Connect Brandfolder to over 4000 apps using Zapier.

Who can use this?


  • Brandfolder


Brandfolder Owners and Administrators can use this integration.

Find out if this capability is included in Smartsheet Regions or Smartsheet Gov.

The Brandfolder + Zapier integration lets you connect Brandfolder to cloud-based applications like Box, Basecamp, and Dropbox. By automating the creation of assets and attachments inside Brandfolder, Zapier helps to streamline your workflows.

Set up the integration

1. Visit the Brandfolder Integration page on Zapier.

2. Select Connect Brandfolder to 4000+ apps.

3. If you do not have an account, you will be prompted to set one up. If you do have one, the integration will download.

Create a trigger event from Brandfolder

1. Name your zap.

2. Select a trigger event. The following trigger events are supported:

  • New Asset: triggers when you add an asset to an organization, Brandfolder, or collection. 
  • Updated Asset: Triggers when you create an asset or update an organization, Brandfolder, or collection.
  • New Brandfolder: Triggers when you add a Brandfolder to an organization.
  • New Collection: Triggers when you add a collection to a Brandfolder.
  • New Section: Triggers when you add a section to a Brandfolder.

In this example, we will choose the New Asset trigger.

3. If it is your first time using the integration, you will be prompted to connect your Brandfolder using your API key.

4. Select your organization. You can also specify a single Brandfolder or collection to monitor. (These options apply to the New Asset Trigger)

5. Test your trigger. Zapier will find a current asset in your Brandfolder account to confirm the trigger.

Create actions with Brandfolder

For an extensive list of recipes in Zapier that include Brandfolder, explore Zapier for a complete breakdown of triggers and actions between products.