RapidCompact 3D integration

Store, resize/render, preview, and add custom metadata to your 3D files using the RapidCompact 3D integration.

Who can use this?


  • Brandfolder


  • Owner
  • Administrator

Find out if this capability is included in Smartsheet Regions or Smartsheet Gov.

Brandfolder's RapidCompact 3D Integration makes 3D asset support seamless. RapidCompact optimizes, automates, and converts 3D assets.

Set up the integration

Reach out to your Brandfolder contact to establish the RapidCompact connection.

Be sure to include the following:

  1. API key (generate token name) from RapidCompact. 
  2. The slug for your Brandfolder.
  3. The name of the section that the GLB files are in.
  4. The Brandfolder section name is used to push the optimizations after being passed through RapidCompact. 
  5. The preset optimization ID numbers for each file. The ID is in the URL or RapidCompact. Preset optimizations are for items like shadows, rendered width, and polygons.

Navigate the integration

  1. Upload the assets into the section designated for 3D files. The following file types are supported:
  • FBX
  • glTF (.gltf and .glb)
  • OBJ
  • PLY
  • STL
  • CTM

Upload formats referencing external files (such as OBJ) as a .ZIP file. Make sure paths to external files are relative to load the external files correctly. Enterprise plans can also process models in CAD formats like STEP, JT, and IGES.

Once the asset is in Brandfolder, it will automatically be assigned a 3D tag.

  1. Wait for the asset to be fully processed and thumb-nailed. Ensure the asset(s) are approved; Brandfolder will not push to RapidCompact.
  2. Refresh your Brandfolder and open your new asset in your optimization section. 
  3. Copy the Embed URL link from the description of the asset. 
  4. Paste into the browser to open the 3D rotator. The rotator will allow rotation, zoom in and out, and animations (if supported). 

Custom fields

Upon asset upload, you will see the following custom field data:

  • bbCenter
  • bbMax
  • bbMin
  • bbSize
  • displacementReferenceMax
  • displacementReferenceMin
  • Embed Link
  • hasBaseColorMap
  • hasClearcoatNormalMap
  • hasClearcoatRoughnessMap
  • hasDisplacmentMap
  • hasEmissiveMap
  • hasMetallicMap
  • hasMorphTargets

If you want a limit on the custom field data return or custom fields on the first GLB file to pass on to optimizations, contact support@brandfolder.com.