Bulk management SFTP Ingestion

Assets can be uploaded to Brandfolder in bulk through a secure file transfer protocol ingest (SFTP).

Who can use this?


  • Brandfolder


  • Enterprise plan Owner
  • Enterprise plan Administrator

Find out if this capability is included in Smartsheet Regions or Smartsheet Gov.

SFTP Ingestion is only available on Enterprise plans.

Ingestions facilitated through SFTP benefits ingestion scenarios where data does not already reside in the cloud and when either:

  1. Regularly occurring ingestion occurs (i.e., daily updates).
  2. Data volumes are greater than what a user would upload via the Brandfolder UI (i.e., 500 files). The process will be facilitated by a member of the CX team providing access.

The current process allows configuration at the Brandfolder level. An SFTP account is tied to a specific Brandfolder and section. If multiple destination Brandfolders and Sections are needed, there will be multiple SFTP accounts. During setup, the connection creator can also select which Collection the ingested assets are added to.

Customers with Core and Premium plans who purchased Self-Assisted Asset Migration Services during onboarding can also use this functionality.

SFTP setup: 

  1. Navigate to Settings > Bulk Management > SFTP Ingest.
  2. Select SFTP Ingest and create a new connection. 
  3. Input a username and password of your choosing. Do note the username can't include any special characters. From here, you can select the section and collection for import, should that be necessary. 
  4. Select Create SFTP Ingest when all the proper information has been filled out.
  5. Upon successfully creating credentials, you can now use those credentials to create a new connection from an SFTP client of your choosing. Below is an example of a configuration through Cyber Duck. The server URL will be files.transfer.brandfolder.com.A screnshot of an SFTP ingest, in the middle a box for server is highlighted

A common speed for SFTP data transfer is around 1-1.5 Mb/sec. SFTP is limited by the encryption speed and several layers of data copying and processing (during SSH tunneling).

The service supports only the SFTP protocol. Vanilla FTP is not allowed due to the insecure way it tran and won't be enabled by default.

We periodically cleanse files stored in this service, so don't expect the files to be retained long after they’ve been ingested into Brandfolder.