Applies to

  • Brandfolder


Who can use this capability

All users can edit their notification and user settings.

Guest user settings

My profile page in Brandfolder allows users to edit their notification and user settings.

Who can use this?


  • Brandfolder


All users can edit their notification and user settings.

Find out if this capability is included in Smartsheet Regions or Smartsheet Gov.

Access my profile

This image shows where users can find the drop down menu containing their profile.

From the Hi, [Your Name] > My Profile page you can easily access your user and notification settings to update your individual preferences.

User settings 

This image shows the user settings button on the left panel in a user's profile.

Update your email, password, and company info quickly and easily.

If the organization you belong to has password requirements, help text will appear to let you know what is required to be included in your password.

This image shows the creating a new password requirements.

Notification settings 

This image shows the notification settings button on the left panel in the user's profile.

Select which Brandfolders or Collections you would like to get notifications from. If notifications are enabled for a Brandfolder or Collection you will receive in-app notifications, and you have the choice to receive them by email as well.