Accuweather integration overview

Seamlessly integrating AccuWeather data for enhanced workflow efficiency in Smartsheet Bridge.

Get the latest weather data with the AccuWeather Integration. The AccuWeather integration is available by default in all Bridge accounts. You can find it on the left-hand side of the workflow Designer when creating a blank workflow, creating one from the Bridge Solution Center, or opening an existing workflow.

Settings chosen in the AccuWeather modules must correspond to the package used to generate the AccuWeather API key. In the AccuWeather account, under My Apps, each API key indicates which package was used when it was generated. For information about the different packages, visit AccuWeather's Pricing page.

Get started with AccuWeather

  • Sign up for an AccuWeather Developer account, purchase the desired package, and generate an API key from the My Apps page.
  • Log into Bridge and navigate to the Integrations page. Find the AccuWeather logo and click on it to register. Enter the API key generated in the AccuWeather account.
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