Charts on the Smartsheet mobile app

View charts in dashboards from the Smartsheet mobile app.

Who can use this?


  • Smartsheet

After you add charts to dashboards from the desktop or browser version of Smartsheet, you can view them from the Smartsheet App (available for iOS and Android).

Your charts may have slight formatting differences when viewed on the mobile app compared to when viewed on a desktop browser.


If you have varying formats set for the level of decimal places shown in your source data table, the mobile app shows the full decimal value in the data label and tooltip (visible when you tap on a data point). Desktop displays in the format as displayed in the sheet. For example:

Actual data on the sheet1.2345.203.41116.12
Formatted data on the sheet1.235.203.41116.1
Mobile data label and tooltips1.23405.20003.41116.1200
Desktop data label and tooltips1.235.203.41116.1


If one cell in a series has a different percentage format, the mobile app defaults to decimal format. For example:

Formatted data on the sheet2.00%0.23%5.0%
Mobile data label and tooltips0.
Desktop data label and tooltips2.00%0.23%5.0%

Thousands separators

If one cell in a series has a different format, the mobile app doesn't display the format. For example:

Formatted data on the sheet12897251,831,505.001,362,811.00207,000.00
Mobile data label and tooltips1289725.001831505.001362811.00207000.00
Desktop data label and tooltips12897251,831,505.001,362,811.00207,000.00

Why are my data labels for a Line chart not showing up in mobile app?

Because of the smaller screen size of mobile devices, data labels aren't displayed on Line charts; however, you can tap on a data point to see labels and individual values.

Why are my labels truncated when on mobile devices but not when viewing from a laptop/desktop?

In order to maximize the visibility of the main chart area on smaller screen sizes of mobile devices, labels are truncated according to different rules than when viewing charts on the desktop.

Why are hours in my date format not displayed?

If you include hours at the end of a date label (for example, 5/27/17 5:00pm), the time component isn't visible on the axis label because of truncation. However, the full time label is visible by tapping on the data point.

Why are negative data labels not displayed on my chart?

Currently, charts configured with all negative values won’t be displayed on the mobile app. You need to view this on a computer desktop or browser.

Why are my data point values formatted differently in between Mobile and Desktop?

There are certain elements that we must display differently on the Smartsheet mobile app due to the way the app interprets your data. Here are some examples of this:

Currency—If one cell in a series of your source data table has a different format (for example, a mix of US Dollar and Euro formats), the mobile app won't display any currency formatting (it shows 308,488.00, 277,783.00, and so on).

If all cells in a row have the same format (Euro), the mobile app shows the currency format for that row.