Project schedule tips

Scheduling resources on a project upfront helps you track actual cost against the budget.

Who can use this?


  • Resource Management

Schedule upfront

Scheduling a project fully upfront provides real-time insight into the project's profitability.

The cost of a fully scheduled project must be in line with the budget before it begins, so you are mapping the work plan for the project to the actual fee you estimated when you scheduled the project.

For example, if the budget is $96,000 and you schedule two people full-time for two months at $150/hour, the future scheduled amount should match the budget.

As your team reports their hours, you can immediately see the impact on the forecasted budget.

Use placeholders

If you need more clarification about the team assigned to your project, setting up a placeholder for the relevant discipline or department (such as Visual Designer) can be a helpful strategy. This placeholder can have a bill rate, so you know the impact on the schedule.

Once you've identified the right person, you can assign the project to them. If you make scheduling decisions weekly or daily, you can split the placeholder’s assignment, reassigning each segment to another person on the team.