Applies to

Bridge by Smartsheet

Bridge: US and EU regions feature comparison

The below table provides a comparison between the features available for Bridge in the US and EU regions.


  • Bridge by Smartsheet

Regional capabilities for Bridge

Automation capabilities

Bridge featureUSEU
Parent/Child workflowsYY
Run logYY

Smartsheet automation

Bridge featureUSEU
Smartsheet triggers and modulesYY
Resource Management triggers and modulesYY
Brandfolder triggers and modulesYX

Workflow tools

Bridge featureUSEU
JavaScript utilityYY
Schedule triggers and modulesYY
Date/Time utilityYX
Array management utilityYX
Key management extensionYX
Math utilityYY
String toolsYY
Utility functionsYX
Make API Call moduleYY


Bridge featureUSEU
AccuWeather modulesYX
FedEx modulesYX
Google Translate modulesYX
SendGrid moduleYX
ServiceNow triggers and modulesYX
SharePoint triggers and modulesYX
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