Bridge Integrations

Bridge Integrations

Integrations for Bridge by Smartsheet

With integrations, you can connect Bridge to third-party party systems....

Bridge: Schedule workflow runs

You can use fixed schedules to automate daily reminders or weekly task creation....

Customize Trigger names in your workflow

Give your triggers customized names, so you are able to tell them apart when working with more than one.

Create a loop in a workflow

Learn how to create a loop in a Bridge workflow.

Troubleshoot workflows with Run Log

The Run Log contains all the Runs of a workflow.

Use child workflows to manage complex processes

Manage your workflows better by breaking up a large automated process into multiple, smaller workflows. 

Set up states in the workflow

Learn how to set up states in your Bridge workflow.

Smartsheet Bridge Integration

Smartsheet Bridge integration: Overview and setup

Build workflows that interact with your sheets in a range of ways, with the Smartsheet integration for Bridge.

Smartsheet module reference

After you've set up the Smartsheet integration, you can choose events on a sheet to trigger a Bridge workflow....

Resource Management Bridge Integration

Resource Management for Bridge: Integration Overview

With the Resource Management for Bridge integration, you can use the Resource Management APIs and webhooks to build workflows that intera

Resource Management for Bridge: Triggers

The following triggers are available with the integration and can be used in workflows to connect Resource Management with other systems to autom...

Google Translate

Google Translate integration overview

Streamlining multilingual communication: leveraging Google Translate in Smartsheet Bridge for seamless text translation.

Google Translate module reference

Enhancing global communication: effortless text translation with Google Translate in Smartsheet Bridge.


ServiceNow integration overview

The ServiceNow integration is automatically available in all Bridge accounts, but to work properly, you must set up an app in ServiceNow....

ServiceNow modules

ServiceNow triggersAfter integrating Bridge with ServiceNow, choose the events to trigger a workflow.  When Records Are CreatedWhen Records Are U...

Create a record in ServiceNow from a Smartsheet row

You can use Bridge to move specific requests into ServiceNow for more in-depth triage/progress while tracking at a high level in Smartsheet.  For...


SharePoint module reference

TriggersA trigger is activated when an item in a list is added or changed....

Sharepoint integration overview

Understanding Smartsheet Sharepoint integration