Apps and Integrations

Apps and Integrations

Get more functionality by integrating with other apps and platforms.

Access premium apps from the Launcher

When you select an app from the Launcher, it will always open a new browser tab....

Receive alerts and requests in Slack

For example, when a task becomes blocked, channel notifications can keep the entire team informed....

Review, manage, and log in to apps and integrations manually

If you don’t see what you’re looking for in the Launcher, you can search your app from the Apps list in Smartsheet....

Gain valuable insight with the Smartsheet for Tableau integration

Import Smartsheet data into Tableau and combine data from other business-critical systems to help your whole team gain valuable analytics insights....

Connect Smartsheet with Tableau (WDC) and other apps (ODBC)

Integrate Smartsheet with Tableau and other apps....

Work with live Smartsheet data in Salesforce Quip

The Smartsheet Live App for Quip uses the Smartsheet publishing feature to add Smartsheet items to Quip documents....

Smartsheet for Outlook add-in

Easily add email messages and their attachments to Smartsheet rows or discussions, making them visible and actionable for all collaborators....

Smartsheet integration with Zapier

A Zap consists of a Trigger and an Action. Whenever the Trigger happens in one app, Zapier automatically performs the action in the other app....

Where to find information about the Smartsheet API

The Smartsheet API enables licensed Smartsheet users to programmatically access and manage their organization's Smartsheet account and data....

Creating Zaps in Zapier

A Zap consists of a Trigger and an Action. Whenever the Trigger happens in one app, Zapier automatically performs the Action in the other app....

Troubleshoot not receiving alerts or requests in Slack

If you receive a message that Slack notifications are disabled, or if you don't have the option to set a Slack notification in the New Rule window, yo...

Use the Brandfolder panel in Smartsheet

To open the Brandfolder panel, on the right feature bar, select Brandfolder. Follow the login prompts. Select your organization....

Integrate Smartsheet with Webex by Cisco

With this integration, you can: Add Smartsheet assets into a Webex space and take action on key projects and tasks from within the Webex app....

Generate an API key

Smartsheet now uses 37-character API keys. Your 26-character API keys will still work....

Publish Proof files with the Brandfolder integration

To export a Proof file to Brandfolder: Select the Export icon in the top right of the Proof view. Select Send to Brandfolder....

Pivot App

Get started with Smartsheet Pivot App

Introduction to Pivot App add-on

Microsoft Teams

Overview: Integrate Smartsheet with Microsoft Teams

Integrate your working environment and your conversation environment with Smartsheet for Microsoft Teams.

Share or publish Smartsheet items to Microsoft Teams

Interact with Smartsheet forms, sheets, reports, and dashboards without leaving Microsoft Teams.

Receive Smartsheet notifications in Microsoft Teams

Smartsheet for Microsoft Teams is compatible with both the browser and desktop versions of the Microsoft Teams application....

Search for Smartsheet items from Microsoft Teams

Search for Smartsheet items (sheets, reports, dashboards, and forms) in Microsoft Teams; access Smartsheet items without interrupting you

Microsoft Teams integration: Uninstall the Smartsheet bot

You can remove it from either Teams or Smartsheet. You can choose one of the below methods to stop notifications in Microsoft Teams....

Use alerts and requests in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams alerts you when you receive requests or there are changes to items you’re working with. 

Add a Smartsheet form to your Microsoft Teams channel

For example, you can add a form that allows channel members to submit work order requests that populate an IT Request Sheet....

Rename, modify settings, or remove items published in Microsoft Teams

After you publish a Smartsheet item as a tab in teams, you can modify the settings, and rename or remove the tab.

Google Integrations

Take Action on Alerts and Requests in Hangouts Chat

For example, you can take action on a Smartsheet approval request while chatting with a colleague in Hangouts Chat about the request—all without havin...

Smartsheet for Gmail add-on

Once the information is captured in Smartsheet, all Smartsheet collaborators can see and act on the information....

Smartsheet integration with Google

Here you'll find listed number of the ways Smartsheet and various Google products interact, how you can obtain the integrations, and wher

Create New Sheets from Google Drive

These are the Smartsheet-Google Drive integration points available for installation from the Chrome Web Store: Smartsheet Merge: Strategically impor...

Use a Smartsheet Calendar with Google Calendar

The Smartsheet app allows you to integrate a Smartsheet calendar with a Google calendar.

Smartsheet Merge add-on for Google Docs

These are the Smartsheet-Google Drive integration points available for installation from the Chrome Web Store: Smartsheet Merge: Strategically imp...

Smartsheet Sync Add-on for Google Forms

These are the Smartsheet-Google Drive integration points available for installation from the Chrome Web Store: Smartsheet Merge: Strategically imp...

Dynamic View

Get started with Dynamic View

Boost collaboration even when you cannot share the underlying sheets or reports with the Dynamic View premium app.

Dynamic View: Create and manage views of your data

Dynamic View allows you to share sections of your sheet or report without sharing the underlying source sheet.

Dynamic View app: Interact with a view

This article focuses on interacting with a view in the application. For information on creating a view, see Create and edit Dynamic View settings....

Dynamic View: Use filters to show subsets of data

Use filters in Dynamic View to find data that matches your specified criteria and quickly sort the results the way you want....

Transfer or receive transfer of a Dynamic View

Transfer the view first, then transfer any underlying sheets so the new view owner has full access to all assets....

Edit a Dynamic View

Dynamic View allows you to share sections of your sheet or report without sharing the underlying source sheet.

Dynamic View filters FAQs

Filters in Dynamic View can help you limit the displayed information, so you can find exactly what you need....

Dynamic View System Admin Controls page

Brandfolder Image Select Admin Controls in the left menu to open the System Admin Controls page....


DataMesh overview

DataMesh is a premium app that maps your Smartsheet data across multiple sheets and reports, eliminating typos, duplicative data entry, a

Transfer a DataMesh configuration

DataMesh Config ownership requirementsThe new owner must: Be a member of your Smartsheet account with a license and have signed in to the DataMesh app...

Run the DataMesh config

After you create a DataMesh config, it’s ready to run. If you’ve set an execution frequency, the DataMesh runs at the next scheduled run time....

Create a new DataMesh Config

This topic covers how to create a new config. When you're done, you can run the DataMesh config....

DataMesh FAQs

Find answers to the most frequent questions we get about DataMesh.

Data Shuttle

Troubleshooting Data Shuttle

Check that the column type is set to Number in the Mapping section of the workflowYou can try using the VALUE function instead, like =VALUE([Current B...

Data Shuttle use cases

Data Shuttle by Smartsheet allows you to make confident decisions, centralize your data across platforms, automate routine business processes, and ope...

Advance capabilities evaluations

Advance Capabilities Evaluations: Data Shuttle and Dynamic View


Get started with DataTable

DataTable can store millions of rows of data, integrate with external systems using Data Shuttle, and sync subsets of that data into shee

Connect a sheet to a DataTable

There are two ways to connect a sheet to a DataTable: Add & update mode: Pull subsets of the data into a sheet from a DataTable....

Manage existing DataTables

If you're an admin on DataTable, you can share a DataTable with others in your organization, granting either admin or viewer access....

Troubleshooting DataTable

Special characters alongside numbers in a source dataset (currency symbols, commas, percent signs, etc.) do not interpret as numeric values when you i...

Create and populate a DataTable

You can add, edit, or remove fields after you've created the DataTable. DataTable supports text, number, date, and checkbox fields....

Calendar App

Keep your teams organized with the Smartsheet Calendar App

With the Calendar App, you can: Color-code by a primary and secondary categoryEasily export the calendar for email or printSync with existing project ...

Calendar app filters: Frequently Asked Questions

Use a filter, for example, to display tasks due on a specific date that are assigned to you, or tasks with a specific status....

Troubleshoot Calendar App

The filter definition is no longer valid....

Calendar App: Interact with a Calendar

Navigate, edit tasks, customize views, and work with filters in Calendar App

Adobe Creative Cloud Extension

Smartsheet integrations for Adobe Creative Cloud

When you use the following Integrations, you can find assignments and manage proofs directly from your Adobe Creative Cloud applications: Smartsheet f...