Applies to

  • Brandfolder


Who can use this capability

Brandfolder Owners and Administrators have access to this integration. 

Embed videos from Brightcove

Quickly embed videos hosted within Brightcove to your Brandfolder.


  • Brandfolder


Brandfolder Owners and Administrators have access to this integration. 

Navigating the integration

  1. Log in to your Brightcove account and find the video you want to embed.
  2. In the Publish and Embed dropdown, select Web Player.
  3. From the Web Player modal, copy the URL below Preview in browser.

An arrow pointing to the preview and browser link below the video preview.

  1. In Brandfolder, make sure you have an external media section established.  
  2. Select Add Asset in the external media section.
  3. Paste the URL you copied into the Media URL field.
  4. Brandfolder will automatically pull in metadata associated with the video. You may change this at any time.
  5. Select, Create Asset

Once you save the asset, you will see a preview and player for the video you embedded in Brandfolder.

You can now organize, tag, or add additional information to the asset. 

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